ViktorBarzin / dot_files

Dotfiles collection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dev environment

I use tmux with zshell with oh-my-zsh.

On my personal machine I use Konsole as my terminal emulator and on my work machine I use iTerm2. Profiles for both are included in the repo - Konsole profile and iTerm2 Profile.

My tmux settings are based on gpakosz's Oh-My-Tmux and I've added/changed some of the settings to better suite my taste.


Download and run

curl -sL | bash

This script installs tmux and zsh if missing and wgets all the config files.

Everyday hacks

Shortcuts I use every day. I find all of these shortcuts improve my typing speed and hence my productivity.

They are focused around either 1) reduce the distance my fingers have to move or 2) shorten commonly written commands


Feature Shortcut
tmux Prefix Alt-x / Cmd-x
text selection Prefix Enter to enter visual mode, then vim bindings to move, V to enter select mode and once happy with selection Enter to copy to OS clipboard
Vertical split pane Prefix \
Horizontal pane split Prefix -
Pane movement Hold Alt/ Cmd and vim movement bindings (or arrows for normies) to move in all directions
Pane resize Prefix and vim movement
Maximize current pane Prefix z (z for zoom)
Toggle synchronize panes Prefix s (s for synchronize)
New window Prefix c (c for create)
Go to previous window Prefix Tab (similar to Alt-Tab)
Go to window number n Prefix n where n is the window number (window numbers are in status line)
Rename window Prefix ,
Edit a long command line Ctrl-x Ctrl-e , this is more bash-y rather than tmux

To edit the status line, edit tmux_conf_theme_status_left and tmux_conf_theme_status_right in tmux.conf.local.

zsh aliases

A full list of all aliases can be seen in the .bash_aliases file.

Here are some of the highlights I tend to use more often:

Alias Command Comment
s ssh
a sudo atop sudo is used to get full overview
h sudo htop ^
myip curl Get your public/global IPv4/IPv6 address
dk docker 76.7% performance increase ;)
dkon sudo systemctl start docker
dkoff sudo systemctl stop docker
kb kubectl Massive perf increase if you are a k8s user
kbp kubectl get pods
kn kubens Switch k8s namespaces to avoid writing -n some_namespace all the time
g git 66.7% improvement ;)
gs git status
ga git add
gc git commit
gp git push origin master
gpull git pull --rebase origin master Please always rebase, don't do merge commits...
gd git diff
gds git diff --staged Changes that are add-ed and will be part of the commit
gl git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all A very pretty version of git log
git-standup long function, not included for brevity A useful git function to show commits from yesterday that's useful during standups
xo xdg-open Handy way to open any file type
toclip xclip -selection clipboard Usually I do pipe a command to toclip to get the output to clipboard
pmr python runserver Django developers know
nopmr long line, not included for brevity Django crashes from time to time but does not release the binded port which prevents from binding to them again
python migrate pmm
python make migrations pmmm
omg sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager When NetworkManager drives you crazy by crashing often
omg1.1 sudo rmmod iwlmvm && sudo rmmod iwlwifi; sudo modprobe iwlwifi Reload wifi module
root sudo su - sudo su (without the -) keeps environment which, in a shared environ, can be dangerous
aliases vim ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases Convenient way to add new aliases and source them upon exit
zshrc vim ~/.zshrc ^
f free -h Check memory usage
speedtest curl -s |python - speed test without needing the package installed locally


Dotfiles collection


Language:Vim Script 51.0%Language:Python 47.4%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:R 0.1%Language:Erlang 0.1%Language:Ruby 0.0%Language:Haskell 0.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%