vigidroid / fat-aar-plugin

[DEPRECATED]A gradle plugin that helps to output fat aar from android library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Disable build-cache doesn't seem to work for supporting Android plugin 2.3.0

markrietveld opened this issue · comments

When I change the sample project to use 2.3.0, and disable the build cache in, I get:

Error:Execution failed for task ':library:mergeDebugManifest'.
>$MergeFailureException: ~/programming/fat-aar-plugin/example-android/library/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/example-android/aar-lib/unspecified/AndroidManifest.xml (No such file or directory)

This is the same error I see when I keep the build cache enabled. It seems that the setting did something, because the cleanBuildCache is no longer available, like the documentation says. It still has the build error though. Does 2.3.0 work on your computer with build cache disabled?


Hi markrietveld!

It seems that the path of android library project to be copied had been changed at 2.3.0 for performance improvement. Leading to the exception of the plugin building.

I will fix it someday or maybe not(The hack-way work makes me distressed).
If you want to use this plugin, I recommend you to use android plugin at prior to 2.3.0.

Anyway, thanks for your reporting.


Other changes of android plugin 2.3.0, look here.

Error:Execution failed for task ':launcher:processReleaseResources'.

Malformed XPath expression when reading the attribute from the manifest,exp = /manifest/@Package

in AndroidStudio3.0
Error:Can not find task prepareDebugDependencies!




Voicing my support for fixing this. Not being able to support Android Gradle Plugins >= 2.3.0 kinda makes this plugin unusable since Android Studio 3.0 is already at Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.1


Also, I seem to be getting this error even with Android Gradle Plugin 2.2.3. I have a large number or projects I'm trying to merge into one fat aar. Getting the same error.


@Diarrhio I have not made any plan on this project to support 2.3.0 and later. The source of android plugin 2.3.0 is really a mess as far as I can see. Maybe 3.0 of it turns clear and friendly to third-part plugin, I will go through the source code and take a try to support someday(maybe not).

However, 2.2.3 should be well supported, I develop base on it. You can post the error with a new issue if you encounter some at 2.2.3.

the error is also happen in gradle plugin 3.0.1

Seeing this same error with a library where I want to embed 2 other libraries.
Gradle Plugin 2.2.3 here