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Cannot start service: Bind mount failed

DawnPaladin opened this issue · comments

I'm having trouble with the Docker container. I made a folder and put the docker-compose.yml from the wiki in it. Then I ran sudo docker-compose up. Here's what I got:

dawn@Urithuru:/volume1/docker/viewtube$ sudo docker-compose up
Creating network "viewtube_viewtube" with the default driver
Pulling viewtube-mongodb (mongo:5)...
5: Pulling from library/mongo
7007490126ef: Pull complete
97968f0a09f5: Pull complete
a51fbef5da04: Pull complete
472492132201: Pull complete
a184e6b7d3fb: Pull complete
2759528c7f5f: Pull complete
c283613406ab: Pull complete
7509423a0621: Pull complete
338c53b73d5c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:01265baf83280e22bce169e3b1b9a40d83219193717728153fe6c56a174a6748
Status: Downloaded newer image for mongo:5
Pulling viewtube-redis (redis:7)...
7: Pulling from library/redis
a803e7c4b030: Pull complete
57e05a1ddec3: Pull complete
4635c857038a: Pull complete
10001c6989b4: Pull complete
f93feb85ceb4: Pull complete
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete
320349bd761d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b68c6efe2c5f2d7d7d14a2749f66d6d81645ec0cacb92572b2fb7d5c42c82031
Status: Downloaded newer image for redis:7
Creating viewtube_viewtube-mongodb_1 ...
Creating viewtube_viewtube-redis_1   ... error

Creating viewtube_viewtube-mongodb_1 ... error
data/redis' does not exists

ERROR: for viewtube_viewtube-mongodb_1  Cannot start service viewtube-mongodb: Bind mount failed: '/volume1/docker/viewtube/data/db' does not exists

ERROR: for viewtube-redis  Cannot start service viewtube-redis: Bind mount failed: '/volume1/docker/viewtube/data/redis' does not exists

ERROR: for viewtube-mongodb  Cannot start service viewtube-mongodb: Bind mount failed: '/volume1/docker/viewtube/data/db' does not exists
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

I tried this a few more times, and it keeps telling me that it can't start these services because these bind mounts don't exist.

What am I doing wrong? Is sudo docker-compose up the right command to start the container? The documentation is missing that detail.


Can you try creating a folder named "data" next to the docker-compose?

OK, done. Same result.

I figured it out! Inside the "data" folder I created 3 more folders: db, redis, and viewtube. That made the error go away.

Now it's telling me that MongoDB requires a CPU with AVX support. I will try to figure out what that is and where I can get one. 😅