VictoriaMetrics / grafana-datasource

Grafana Plugin for VictoriaMetrics

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Variable requests do not respect the time range filter

hagen1778 opened this issue · comments

When loading Grafana dash with VM DS I notice that requests to /api/v1/series used by dashboard variable requests do not respect the selected time range:

When refreshing the dash I see the following requests in console:

Note the difference in start/end params for both queries.

The bugfix has been included in v0.1.3. Closing the issue as fixed.


Grafana Version 9.3.6 (commit: 978237e7cb, branch: HEAD)
victoriametrics-datasource @ 0.2.0

The issue still persists. When the variable "refresh" parameter is set to "On time range change" for updating the variable, the time range that was loaded with the dashboard will be used instead of the selected one.

@zoadsa please provide the context how to reproduce the bug


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create variable with "On time range change"
  2. Check the time range in the /api/v1/series request for this variable
    image (6h)
  3. Change time range in Grafana UI
  4. Check the time range in the request again, it has not been changed
    image (still 6h)

Expected behavior: The time range in the request should change according to the selected time range in the Grafana UI

The issue supposed to be addressed in #81 and will be included into the next release.

The bugfix has been included in v0.2.1. Closing the issue as fixed.