VictorTzeng / Zxw.Framework.NetCore

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Reload enity

Diaskhan opened this issue · comments

How do U reload Enity configutation or entity?

when new property is added ? (field of entity)


@Diaskhan In the development environment, I usually drop the database directly. In the formal environment, you can manually change the data table and entity at the same time, if the changes are not much. Of course, you can also use the database migration command.

not Victor i actually talking about another thing

1.We could create tablewith fields
2.then could make entitytypeconfiguration
3.Generate class model

4.Compile it in assembly
5.Load assembly to memory and use in dbcontext.SET<>

The problem gets when we want recompile class and reload a newer version of entitclass!


Sorry, Diaskhan, I have not encountered this situation yet. Could you show me your codes or exceptions?