ViaVersion / ViaRewind

ViaBackwards addon to allow 1.8.x and 1.7.x clients on newer server versions.

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1.8 Clients crashing when interacting with end rod item

turnolos opened this issue · comments

/viaversion dump Output

Console Error

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Bug Description

When interacting with a end rod on our 1.12.2 native server running latest viaversion, viabackwards and viarewind, players using client version 1.8.9 will crash. I have attached a video of this happening and two separate crash logs of the error occurring.


Video of it occurring:

Steps to Reproduce

1.) Get 1.12.2 paper spigot server with viaversion, viabackwards and viarewind installed

2.) Place an end rod in inventory or in chest or in itemframe

3.) Crash

Expected Behavior

Should not crash

Additional Server Info

No response


Platform: git--Paper--%22662261c1%22%20%28MC%3A%201.12.2%29
ViaVersion (4.10.1-SNAPSHOT): 4 commits behind master
ViaBackwards(4.10.0): 5 commits behind master
ViaRewind(3.1.1-SNAPSHOT): 1 commits behind master

Please update all Via* plugins from In case the issue still persists send the new dump and the issue will be reopened

Fixed with the merge of ViaVersion/ViaBackwards#731