ViaVersion / ViaForge

Client-side Implementation of the Via* projects for Minecraft Forge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About ViaVersion_MovementThreshold

FengXiaoSkidGod opened this issue · comments

@ModifyConstant(method = "onLivingUpdate", constant = @Constant(doubleValue = 0.005D))
private double ViaVersion_MovementThreshold(double constant) {
    final ViaVersionFix viaversionfix = (ViaVersionFix) LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(ViaVersionFix.class);
    if (Objects.requireNonNull(viaversionfix.getState())){
        return 0.003D;
    return 0.005D;

I got a null pointer error, I want to know if ViaVersion_MovementThreshold existed in ViaForge

Or an older version?


This code and the ViaVersionFix class is not part of the ViaForge codebase at all
