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fix: flutter_gen breaks current template

NonymousMorlock opened this issue Β· comments

After updating to very_good cli v0.20, and running create, it outputs a flutter project that depends on flutter_gen: any, so that when you run pub get, the l10n.dart errors out.

Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Update your very_good_cli to v0.20
  2. Create new flutter project
  3. Open project in IDE
  4. Run pub get
  5. See error

Expected Behavior
Should compile successfully after running pub get

Additional Context
The template for the previous version of very_good_cli doesn't explicitly add flutter_gen to pubspec.yaml

Same here βœ‹

I fixed that with removing flutter_gen package dependency from pubspec.yaml.
I think since flutter_gen is already in, and dart resolves flutter_gen with that package, so the generated code in .dart-tool is not used.

I fixed that with removing flutter_gen package dependency from pubspec.yaml. I think since flutter_gen is already in, and dart resolves flutter_gen with that package, so the generated code in .dart-tool is not used.

Yeah, hopefully they fix it so we don't have to manually do that every project

Somewhat duplicate of #973. I haven't been able to reproduce this myself, and the template itself doesn't seem to have flutter_gen: any explicitly defined in its pubspec.yaml.

@wolfenrain can you try to reproduce?

Then it could be from another source, maybe flutter create, as one of the comments in the issue you referenced suggests. and from what I see in that issue, this problem has been since before 0.20, but I've personally never encountered it since I started using very_good_cli and it's been a couple years, this is my first time encountering this. so it could be a random occurrence. I tried to create a new project tho and the same happened.

Somewhat duplicate of #973. I haven't been able to reproduce this myself, and the template itself doesn't seem to have flutter_gen: any explicitly defined in its pubspec.yaml.

@wolfenrain can you try to reproduce?

I haven't been able to reproduce this here locally either. @NonymousMorlock can you maybe provide the output of flutter doctor. Just to ensure that we can reproduce it in a similar environment as you have.

I haven't been able to reproduce this here locally either. @NonymousMorlock can you maybe provide the output of flutter doctor. Just to ensure that we can reproduce it in a similar environment as you have.

[βœ“] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.19.0, on Fedora Linux 39 (Workstation Edition)
    6.7.7-200.fc39.x86_64, locale en_US.UTF-8)
[βœ“] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 34.0.0)
[βœ“] Chrome - develop for the web
[βœ“] Linux toolchain - develop for Linux desktop
[βœ“] Android Studio (version 2023.1)
[βœ“] VS Code (version 1.87.0)
[βœ“] Connected device (2 available)
[βœ“] Network resources

β€’ No issues found!

@wolfenrain I just encountered this today - happy to reproduce it together later this week if you'd like.

@craiglabenz NOOOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYYYYY...I'm freaking out right now. Big fan, no no, Biggest FANNN, no way you're in my issue 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Hi, I think I've found the reason.
After I execute dart fix, the following fix is made:


This is triggered by importing package:flutter_gen without declaring it inside pubspec.yaml. So dart fixer automatically add the flutter_gen: any line inside it.
If very good cli executes dart fix automatically after setup, this could be the reason.

As of current date and time this issue still persist. Today I updated all my IDE and tools to make a new flutter app. I got the same issue.

Strangely, If i create a project using the very_good cli in old directory, this issue didn't appear. I tried making new folder in documents and created a new project using very_good. Then there seem to be issue.

Note: this could be false positive or something to do with directory permission. But i fix it by removing flutter_gen: any in pubspec.yaml

As of current date and time this issue still persist. Today I updated all my IDE and tools to make a new flutter app. I got the same issue.

Strangely, If i create a project using the very_good cli in old directory, this issue didn't appear. I tried making new folder in documents and created a new project using very_good. Then there seem to be issue.

Note: this could be false positive or something to do with directory permission. But i fix it by removing flutter_gen: any in pubspec.yaml

I solved by remove flutter_gen too. because flutter_gen already building with flutter