VeryGoodOpenSource / very_good_cli

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fix: StdoutException: Could not get terminal size, OS Error: Operation not supported on socket, errno = 102

rodrigopequeno opened this issue · comments

I'm using the very_good test --coverage command in a pipeline in Azure Devops, and it's returning this error when trying to write the message in the terminal:

"Thank you for using Very Good Ventures open source tools!
Don't forget to fill out this form to get information on future updates and releases here:"

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install lastest version 1.17.0
  2. Run very_good test --coverage
  3. See error

Expected Behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


Additional Context
Locally works normally

Hi @rodrigopequeno ! Thanks for reporting the issue.

I would suggest adding an environment variable with a "CI" key and any value (I recommend CI=true), this will completely stop the message showing up.

If that doesn't work, a temporary option is to add a directory to your home named .very_good_cli with a file named version and the content of the file being the current version. This will avoid the message showing up since it is only displayed during the first update.

mkdir ~/.very_good_cli && echo -n '0.17.0' > ~/.very_good_cli/version

I hope the above suggestions help out, let us know.

Hi @alestiago, I chose to drowngrade the version for now. I will check these solutions as soon as possible.

@rodrigopequeno this should now be fixed with Very Good CLI 0.17.1, feel free to reopen if the bug persists.