VeryGoodOpenSource / very_good_cli

A Very Good Command-Line Interface for Dart created by Very Good Ventures 🦄

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fix: very_good seems hard to use with GHA

eseidel opened this issue · comments

You have to first install it:

pub global activate very_good_cli

But you can't run it with pub global run:
pub global run very_good:

So you have to do:
pub global run very_good_cli:
Could not find bin/very_good_cli.dart in package very_good_cli.

but even if you ignore that (since GHA does put the pub cache in your path), you still hit an analytics prompt you can't get past:

|           Welcome to the Very Good CLI!           |
| We would like to collect anonymous                |
| usage statistics in order to improve the tool.    |
| Would you like to opt-into help us improve? [y/n] |
|           Welcome to the Very Good CLI!           |
| We would like to collect anonymous                |
| usage statistics in order to improve the tool.    |
| Would you like to opt-into help us improve? [y/n] |

If you pass --analytics false (to try and get past the prompt) then it just exits, ignoring the rest of your command 🤣

very_good --analytics false packages get -r
analytics disabled.

Just a series of small bugs.

I was expeting to see a 'setup very_good" as part of:
But didn't see one.

In the end, I gave up. I'll just use pub get directly:

You can checkout very_good_workflows/flutter_package for an example of how to use very_good_cli in gha

This can be improved by detecting if running on CI and disabling prompts 👍

But you can't run it with pub global run

You can, but there's a trick. pub global run very_good won't work because the package name (very_good_cli) differs from the executable command (very_good). In such cases you have to specify the command name separated by :. As in:

pub global run very_good_cli:very_good.

The analytics bug should be fixed in the next release.

This can be improved by detecting if running on CI and disabling prompts 👍

Agreed, even though we only have that analytics prompt now (which will be removed in the next version), we may have more in the future based on mason_logger wizard-ish prompts. Any possibility too having that detection integrated into its API?

This can be improved by detecting if running on CI and disabling prompts 👍

Agreed, even though we only have that analytics prompt now (which will be removed in the next version), we may have more in the future based on mason_logger wizard-ish prompts. Any possibility too having that detection integrated into its API?

Yup planning to get that done when I’m back from Flutter & Friends.

The analytics prompt was removed in the latest version and there is no more prompts left.

I think this can be closed for now, right @eseidel ?

No objections.