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fix: passing extra args disables test optimization

kelvinwieth opened this issue · comments

Running very_good test with extra args --, for instance very_good test -- --no-sound-null-safety, disables test optimization.

Steps To Reproduce

Within a Flutter project, run very_good test -- --coverage, or use any other extra arg, like --no-sound-null-safety or --total-shards 3 --shard-index 0.

Expected Behavior
No test optimization file will be generated, so the optimization will be disabled.

Since it's impossible to screenshot an unexistent file, here's the console output for both very_good test and very_good test -- --no-sound-null-safety:

❯ very_good test              
Running "flutter test" in /Users/kelvin.wieth/src/repos/demos/test_perf...
✓ Optimizing tests (0.1s)
00:01 +1: All tests passed!
❯ very_good test -- --no-sound-null-safety
Running "flutter test" in /Users/kelvin.wieth/src/repos/demos/test_perf...
00:05 +1: All tests passed!

Additional Context
Using the 0.0.14 version of very_good_cli, since I cannot upgrade my Dart version yet.

Some context here:

This happens because the args package doesn't differentiate the "rest" of commands from arguments past the "argument terminator" (--).

Since the optimization doesn't happen when a test file is specified (very_good test text/my-file.dart), there is a condition where the optimization is turned off if any unspecified argument is found ("rest").

I was able to reproduce using Very Good CLI v0.16.0.

My reproductive steps:

  1. Create a Flutter example app:
flutter create counter_app
  1. Run Very Good CLI with "-- --coverage" (from project root):
very_good test -- --coverage

All test pass but were not optimised.