VeryGoodOpenSource / very_good_cli

A Very Good Command-Line Interface for Dart created by Very Good Ventures 🦄

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


neiljaywarner opened this issue · comments

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. very_good create flutter app
  2. share on github and push
  3. Check the github action job

Expected Behavior

build step to pass with zero code changes
info • Sort directive sections alphabetically • lib/app/view/app.dart:2:1 • directives_ordering
Actual behaviour -

It looks like the very_good create command finished abruptly. Cause after bootstrapping, it runs dart fix --apply for automated fixes. Would you mind trying the command dart fix --apply once in your project terminal, and see if the GitHub workflow runs successfully this time?

If this is not helpful, please share which version of very_good_cli you used to generate your app. Thanks!

And please add a good meaningful title and description for the issue.

So sorry about both. I don't know what happened there. If it finishes abruptly more often I can reopen or file another