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fix: very_good create flutter_app doesn't create RunnerTests on iOS

omartinma opened this issue · comments

It seems that new versions of Flutter require an iOS profile called RunnerTests. Not sure what is the implication of this new profile but it is being called on Podfile

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create new app with very_good create flutter_app my_app.
  2. Observe that RunnerTests is missing inside ios folder.
  3. Also if running the project this error appears

[!] Unable to find a target named RunnerTests in project Runner.xcodeproj, did find Runner

Expected Behavior
RunnerTests should be on ios folder, same than running flutter create


same for me

I have the same problem

This should be fixed in the new CLI version

@renancaraujo I tried the latest version by just adding firebase_core and the error still shows up. 😥

I have the same problem

The problem is still there. I do not know much about Xcode but I believe that the RunnerTests directory has not being linked correctly.

The left side show a project created with flutter create and the right side uses the very good cli.

Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 00 30 08

I have the same error with a freshly created project (latest CLI version).

Thank you for your patience @yuruyuri16 and @ItsAlexousd.

This hasn't been released within Very Good CLI yet, but it has been released on Brickhub. If you would like to generate using the Brickhub release you can follow the instructions in the Brickhub website.

We aim to be releasing Very Good CLI v0.19.0 soon, which will include the fix. You can track the release in the Releases section.

As a heads up, Very Good CLI v0.19.0 has now been released. Generating a flutter_app should run successfully in iOS again 🙌 💙

(cc: @yuruyuri16 , @ItsAlexousd )