VeryGoodOpenSource / formz

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Pure for DateTime not working

uouo690 opened this issue · comments

Hello ,

`class DateInput extends FormzInput<DateTime, DateValidationError> {
const DateInput.pure() : super.pure(null);
const DateInput.dirty(DateTime value) : super.dirty(value);

DateValidationError? validator(DateTime value) {
return null;

this code get me an error indicating that The argument type 'Null' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'DateTime'

How can I pure DateTime currently.

You should change the




Sorry but which DateTime I should change ??

I edited DateValidationError? validator(DateTime value) to be DateValidationError? validator(DateTime? value) , but it still not accepting null .

The error still the same , The argument type 'Null' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'DateTime'

If there is any other way to pure DateTime please let me know

class DateInput extends FormzInput<DateTime?, DateValidationError> {
  const DateInput.pure() : super.pure(null);
  const DateInput.dirty(DateTime value) : super.dirty(value);

  DateValidationError? validator(DateTime? value) {
    return null;

Yes , I tried that ,but it gave me this error.

`Error: The value 'null' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'DateTime' because 'DateTime' is not nullable.

  • 'DateTime' is from 'dart:core'.
    const PaymentDateInput.pure() : super.pure(null);

This is part of pubspec.yaml

`version: 1.0.0+1

sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"

sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
dart_json_mapper: ^2.0.7
dart_json_mapper_flutter: ^2.0.0
datetime_picker_formfield: ^2.0.0
equatable: ^2.0.0
flutter_bloc: ^7.0.0
flutter_secure_storage: ^4.1.0
formz: ^0.4.0
graphs: ^1.0.0
http: ^0.13.1
url_launcher: ^6.0.3

glob: ^2.0.1
reflectable: ^3.0.1
intl: ^0.17.0

sdk: flutter
build_runner: ^1.11.5`


Are you serious?
You haven't copied my entire code.
I changed it on two places.

Sorry , forgive me I didn't notice the first change.
It works thanks