Versent / redux-crud

A set of standard actions and reducers for Redux CRUD Applications

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different results when using SI's set and merge

niksosf opened this issue · comments


Hi there I encountered this inexplicable difference when using seamless immutable's set and merge. For example

let item = store.getState().items[0] // --> an immutable item {price: 100}

afterItemA = item.set('price', 123) // {price: 123}
afterItemB = item.merge({price: 456}) // {price: 456}

// Updating with the merged object
    record: afterItemB,
// then a generic ajax request is made to backend and we get a response 'res'
    record: res
let item = store.getState().items[0] // --. It STILL is a seamless immutable js object

// updating with the set object
    record: afterItemA, 
 // same everything ajax request and calling dispatch with ITEMS_UPDATE_SUCCESS, BUT:
  let item = store.getState().items[0] // --. It IS NO LONGER a seamless immutable js object

Is there a reason why?

Thank you!

I don't have an explanation for this, I will have to put a test together to try to replicate this issue

This is no longer relevant in v2