Add pending state for FETCH_START
hampusohlsson opened this issue · comments
It would be great if you could add a pendingFetch state for when data is getting loaded, just like there is for create, update and delete :)
There is a fetchStart
action. At this point records are not there so there is nowhere to add this pendingFetch
state to. You would need a special property in the state just for tracking this. Can you elaborate more?
Hmm, true... I guess I have to dispatch my own pendingFetch
state from the fetchStart
action. Although it would be nice to have the state look something like this (if I have a reducer called 'clients')
clients: {
pendingFetch: true,
records: [records]
instead of the current
clients: [records]
You can have a reducer that stores this anywhere you want e.g.:
clients: [records],
fetches: {
clients: 'busy'
In this way you can still use redux-crud for storing the records.
Redux-crud doesn't have an opinion on this. The way we are handling this is by using this other lib
Thanks! Although, that lib seems a little overkill for me, I solved it with the duck below. Including the code example for anyone else that might have the same question as me
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import crud from 'redux-crud';
const type = crud.actionTypesFor('clients');
const data = crud.reducersFor('clients');
const fetchReducer = (state = false, action = {}) => {
switch (action.type) {
case type.fetchStart:
return true;
case type.fetchSuccess:
case type.fetchError:
return false;
return state;
// ... some action creators
export default combineReducers({
pending: fetchReducer,
records: data
Thanks for posting that snippet, nice and succinct solution. Closing the issue now.