VerachadW / kraph

GraphQL request string builder written in Kotlin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

When will the next release?

jershell opened this issue · comments

I want to use the feature(#23), but it not found in 0.6.0. It is my mistake or it is not included in version 0.6.0?

Hello; I am bumping this thread 😄
Will there be a new release version soon?
I found a commit in the develop branch that would be awesome 2b39841


Hi, bumping this again. how does it look?

I would need the variable support in order to use it, otherwise it is useless for me unfortunately

Hi, I just published the 0.6.1 with variable support. Please let me know is it work for you. I will close this issue for now.