Venafi / terraform-provider-venafi

HashiCorp Terraform provider that uses Venafi to streamline machine identity (certificate and key) acquisition.

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Venafi MPL 2.0 License Community Supported Compatible with Trust Protection Platform 17.3+ & Venafi Control Plane
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Venafi Provider for HashiCorp Terraform

This solution adds certificate enrollment capabilities to HashiCorp Terraform by seamlessly integrating with the Venafi Trust Protection Platform or Venafi Control Plane in a manner that ensures compliance with corporate security policy and provides visibility into certificate issuance enterprise wide.

πŸš— Test drive our integration examples today

Let us show you step-by-step how to add certificates to your Infrastucture as Code automation using Terraform.

Products Available integration examples...
F5 BIG-IP How to configure secure application delivery using F5 BIG-IP and the Venafi Provider for HashiCorp Terraform
Citrix ADC How to configure secure application delivery using Citrix ADC and the Venafi Provider for HashiCorp Terraform
Microsoft IIS How to secure and configure Microsoft IIS using the Venafi Provider for HashiCorp Terraform

NOTE If you don't see an example for a product you use, check back later. We're working hard to add more integration examples.


Protection of the terraform state file

Make sure that you are protecting your terraform state file as per the best practices by Hashicorp:
This is an important step to prevent data breaches or leaks of sensitive data like usernames, passwords, tokens, secrets, etc.

Venafi Trust Protection Platform

Your certificate authority (CA) must be able to issue a certificate in under one minute. Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) is a popular choice. Other CA choices may have slightly different requirements.

Within Trust Protection Platform, configure these settings. For more information see the Venafi Administration Guide.

  • A user account that has an authentication token for the Venafi Provider for HashiCorp Terraform (ID hashicorp-terraform-by-venafi) API Application as of 20.1 (or scope certificate:manage for 19.2 through 19.4) or has been granted WebSDK Access (deprecated).

  • A Policy folder where the user has the following permissions: View, Read, Write, Create.

  • Enterprise compliant policies applied to the folder including:

    • Subject DN values for Organizational Unit (OU), Organization (O), City/Locality (L), State/Province (ST) and Country (C).
    • CA Template that Trust Protection Platform will use to enroll general certificate requests.
    • Management Type not locked or locked to Enrollment.
    • Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation unlocked or not locked to Service Generated CSR.
    • Generate Key/CSR on Application not locked or locked to No.
    • Private Key PBE Algorithm to either SHA1 3DES or SHA256 AES256 to Service Generated CSR.
    • (Recommended) Disable Automatic Renewal set to Yes.
    • (Recommended) Key Bit Strength set to 2048 or higher.
    • (Recommended) Domain Whitelisting policy appropriately assigned.

    NOTE: If you are using Microsoft ACDS, the CRL distribution point and Authority Information Access (AIA) URIs must start with an HTTP URI (non-default configuration). If an LDAP URI appears first in the X509v3 extensions, some applications will fail, such as NGINX ingress controllers. These applications aren't able to retrieve CRL and OCSP information.

Trust between Terraform and Trust Protection Platform

The Trust Protection Platform REST API (WebSDK) must be secured with a certificate. Generally, the certificate is issued by a CA that is not publicly trusted so establishing trust is a critical part of your setup.

Two methods can be used to establish trust. Both require the trust anchor (root CA certificate) of the WebSDK certificate. If you have administrative access, you can import the root certificate into the trust store for your operating system. If you don't have administrative access, or prefer not to make changes to your system configuration, save the root certificate to a file in PEM format (e.g. /opt/venafi/bundle.pem) and include it using the trust_bundle parameter of your Venafi provider.

Trust Protection Platform Token Management

The Venafi provider offers several authentication methods to Trust Protection Platform. All of them work by requesting an access token that will grant access to the REST API. Automation becomes complex to manage when access tokens are introduced as they have an expiration date. When that date is met, the token is no longer valid.

A new Venafi-token provider has been released that allows customers to manage their access tokens. This way the Venafi provider will always have a valid token to use, and automation will not be disrupted by token expiration.

Venafi Control Plane

If you are using Venafi Control Plane, verify the following:

  • The Venafi Control Plane REST API at or (if you have an EU account) is accessible from the system where Terraform will run.
  • You have successfully registered for a Venafi Control Plane account, have been granted at least the Resource Owner role, and know your API key.
  • A CA Account and Issuing Template exist and have been configured with:
    • Recommended Settings values for:
      • Organizational Unit (OU)
      • Organization (O)
      • City/Locality (L)
      • State/Province (ST)
      • Country (C)
    • Issuing Rules that:
      • (Recommended) Limits Common Name and Subject Alternative Name to domains that are allowed by your organization
      • (Recommended) Restricts the Key Length to 2048 or higher
      • (Recommended) Does not allow Private Key Reuse
  • An Application exists where you are among the owners, and you know the Application name.
  • An Issuing Template is assigned to the Application, and you know its API Alias.


The Venafi Provider for HashiCorp Terraform is an officially verified integration. As such, releases are published to the Terraform Registry where they are available for terraform init to automatically download whenever the provider is referenced by a configuration file. No setup steps are required to use an official release of this provider other than to download and install Terraform itself.

To use a pre-release or custom-built version of this provider, manually install the plugin binary into required directory using the prescribed subdirectory structure that must align with how the provider is referenced in the required_providers block of the configuration file.


A Terraform module is a container for multiple resources that are used together and the steps that follow illustrate the resources required to enroll certificates using the Venafi Provider with HashiCorp Terraform 0.13 or higher.

πŸ“Œ NOTE: For Terraform 0.12, omit the required_providers block and specify any desired version constraints for the provider in the provider block using the older way to manage provider versions.

⚠️ We dropped support for RSA PKCS#1 formatted keys for TLS certificates in version 15.0 and also for EC Keys in version 0.15.4 (you can find out more about this transition in here). For backward compatibility during Terraform state refresh please update to version 0.15.5 or above.

⚠️ As a part for upgrading our provider to SDK version 2, we dropped support for Terraform version 0.11 and below.

⚠️ With the introduction of version 0.18.0 the Venafi Terraform provider now incorporates a new feature related to certificate retirement. When an infrastructure is decommissioned, the associated certificate will be automatically retired from the Venafi Platform (Trust Protection Platform and Venafi Control Plane).

  1. Declare that the Venafi Provider is required:

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        venafi = {
          source = "venafi/venafi"
          version = "~> 0.16.0"
      required_version = ">= 0.13"
  2. Specify the connection and authentication settings for the venafi provider:

    Trust Protection Platform:

    provider "venafi" {
      url          = "https://tpp.venafi.example"
      trust_bundle = file("/path/to/bundle.pem")
      access_token = "p0WTt3sDPbzm2BDIkoJROQ=="
      zone         = "DevOps\\Terraform"

    Venafi Control Plane:

    provider "venafi" {
      api_key = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      zone    = "Business App\\Enterprise CIT"

    Venafi Control Plane with access token:

    provider "venafi" {
      token_url = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx"
      external_jwt = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      zone    = "Business App\\Enterprise CIT"

    Venafi Control Plane for EU:

    provider "venafi" {
      url     = ""
      api_key = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      zone    = "Business App\\Enterprise CIT"

    The venafi provider has the following options:

    Property Type Description Env. Variable
    api_key String Venafi Control Plane API key VENAFI_API
    access_token String Trust Protection Platform access token for the "hashicorp-terraform-by-venafi" API Application VENAFI_TOKEN
    client_id String ID of the application that will request tokens. Not necessary when access_token provided. If not provided, defaults to hashicorp-terraform-by-venafi VENAFI_CLIENT_ID
    external_jwt String JWT of the Identity Provider associated to a Venafi Control Plane service account. Use it along with tenant_id to request access tokens VENAFI_EXTERNAL_JWT
    p12_cert_filename String Filename of PKCS#12 keystore containing a client certificate, private key, and chain certificates to authenticate to Venafi Platform VENAFI_P12_CERTIFICATE
    p12_cert_password String Password for the PKCS#12 keystore declared in p12_cert_filename VENAFI_P12_PASSWORD
    token_url String URL to request an access token from Venafi Control Plane. Use it along with external_jwt VENAFI_TENANT_ID
    tpp_username String [DEPRECATED] Trust Protection Platform WebSDK username, use access_token if possible VENAFI_USER
    tpp_password String [DEPRECATED] Trust Protection Platform WebSDK password, use access_token if possible VENAFI_PASS
    trust_bundle String Text file containing trust anchor certificates in PEM format, generally required for Trust Protection Platform
    url String Trust Protection Platform service URL (e.g. "https://tpp.venafi.example") VENAFI_URL
    zone String Policy folder for Trust Protection Platform or Application name and Issuing Template API Alias for Venafi Control Plane (e.g. "Business App\Enterprise CIT") VENAFI_ZONE
    skip_retirement Boolean When true the certificate retirement on the related Venafi Platform (Trust Protection Platform or Venafi Control Plane) will be skipped VENAFI_SKIP_RETIREMENT
    dev_mode Boolean When true, the provider operates without connecting to Trust Protection Platform or Venafi Control Plane VENAFI_DEVMODE

    πŸ“Œ NOTE: The indicated environment variables can be used to specify values for provider settings rather than including them in a configuration file. Avoid specifying a value for api_key unless you are using Venafi Control Plane since that variable is used by the provider to decide which Venafi product to use.

  3. Create a venafi_certificate resource that will generate a new key pair and enroll the certificate needed by a tls_server application:

    resource "venafi_certificate" "tls_server" {
      common_name = "web.venafi.example"
      san_dns = [
      algorithm = "RSA"
      rsa_bits = "2048"
      key_password = "${var.pk_pass}"

    The venafi_certificate resource has the following options, only common_name is required:

    πŸ“Œ NOTE: Updating only expiration_window will not trigger another resource to be created by itself, thus won't enroll a new certificate. This won't apply if the expiration_window constraint allows it, this means, if time to expire of the certificate is within the expiration window.

    Property Type Description Default
    common_name String Common name of certificate none
    nickname String Use to specify a name for the new certificate object that will be created and placed in a policy. Only valid for Trust Protection Platform. none
    san_dns List String array of DNS names to use as alternative subjects of the certificate none
    san_email List String array of email addresses to use as alternative subjects of the certificate none
    san_ip List String array of IP addresses to use as alternative subjects of the certificate none
    san_uri List String array of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to use as alternative subjects of the certificate none
    algorithm String Key encryption algorithm (i.e. RSA or ECDSA) RSA
    rsa_bits Integer Number of bits to use when generating an RSA key pair (i.e. 2048 or 4096). Applies when algorithm=RSA 2048
    ecdsa_curve String ECDSA curve to use when generating a key pair (i.e. P256, P384, P521). Applies when algorithm=ECDSA P521
    key_password String Private key password none
    custom_fields Map Collection of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the Custom Field in Trust Protection Platform. For list type Custom Fields, use the \ character to delimit mulitple values.
    Example: custom_fields = { "Number List" = "2|4|6" }
    valid_days Integer Desired number of days for which the new certificate will be valid none
    issuer_hint String Used with valid_days to indicate the target issuer when using Trust Protection Platform and the CA is DigiCert, Entrust, or Microsoft.
    Example: issuer_hint = "Microsoft"
    expiration_window Integer Number of hours before certificate expiry to request a new certificate 168
    csr_origin String Option to decide whether key-pair generation will be local or service generated local

    πŸ“Œ NOTE: The venafi_certificate resource handles certificate renewals as long as a terraform apply is done within the expiration_window period. Keep in mind that the expiration_window in the Terraform configuration needs to align with the renewal window of the issuing CA to achieve the desired result.

    After enrollment, the venafi_certificate resource will expose the following:

    Property Type Description
    private_key_pem String Private key in PEM format encrypted using key_password, if specified
    chain String Trust chain CA certificate(s) in PEM format concatenated one after the other
    certificate String End-entity certificate in PEM format
    pkcs12 String Base64-encoded PKCS#12 keystore encrypted using key_password, if specified. Useful when working with resources like azurerm_key_vault_certificate. Base64 decode to obtain file bytes.
  4. For verification purposes, output the certificate, private key, and chain in PEM format and as a PKCS#12 keystore (base64-encoded):

    output "my_private_key" {
      value = venafi_certificate.tls_server.private_key_pem
      sensitive = true
    output "my_certificate" {
      value = venafi_certificate.tls_server.certificate
    output "my_trust_chain" {
      value = venafi_certificate.tls_server.chain
    output "my_p12_keystore" {
      value = venafi_certificate.tls_server.pkcs12
  5. Execute terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply, and finally terraform show from the directory containing the configuration file.


πŸ“Œ NOTE: Don't specify an expiration_window within your Terraform file when importing, since will trigger a new update on re-applying your configuration unless that's desired. By default, we set a value of 168 hours.

πŸ“Œ NOTE: This operation doesn't support issuer_hint among the attributes for importing, neither local generated certificate key-pair.

The venafi_certificate resource supports the Terraform import method.

The import_id is composed by an id which is different for each platform, a comma (,) and the key-password.

The id for each platform is:

Trust Protection Platform:

The nickname of the certificate, which represents the name of the certificate object in Trust Protection Platform. Internally we built the pickup_id using the zone defined at the provider block.

πŸ“Œ NOTE: The certificate object name at Trust Protection Platform, usually, should be the same as the common_name provided as it is considered good practice, but the nickname actually could differ from the common name, as there some use cases whenever you want to handle certificates with different nicknames. For example, you could have certificates with same common name and different SANs, then, you could manage many certificate resources that share the same common name using for_each and count meta arguments.

Venafi Control Plane:

The pickup-id.

πŸ“Œ NOTE: You can learn more about the pickup-id and pickup actions for Trust Protection Platform here, and for Venafi Control Plane, here

terraform import "venafi_certificate.<resource_name>" "<id>,<key-password>"

Example (assuming our resource name is imported_certificate):

resource "venafi_certificate" "imported_certificate" {}

Trust Protection Platform:

terraform import "venafi_certificate.imported_certificate" "tpp.venafi.example,my_key_password"

Venafi Control Plane:

terraform import "venafi_certificate.imported_certificate" "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx,my_key_password"

Certificate Policy Management

  1. Declare that the Venafi Provider and specify the connection and authentication settings as described in the previous section.

    πŸ“Œ NOTE: For Trust Protection Platform, the access_token assigned to the venafi provider must have the configuration:manage scope in order to apply certificate policy.

  2. Create a venafi_policy resource that will create or update the certificate policy for a Venafi zone:

    resource "venafi_policy" "tls_server_certificates" {
      zone = "My Business App\\Server Certificates"
      policy_specification = file("/path/to/tls_server_cert_policy.json")

    The venafi_policy resource has the following options, all of which are required when setting policy:

    Property Type Description Default
    zone String The Trust Protection Plaform policy folder or Venafi Control Plane application and issuing template none
    policy_specification String The JSON-formatted certificate policy specification as documented here. Typically read from a file using the file function. Use the VCert CLI to generate a policy specification template to get started (i.e. vcert getpolicy --starter) none

    πŸ“Œ NOTE: The venafi_policy resource supports the terraform import method. When used, the zone and policy_specification options are not required since the zone is a required parameter of the import method and the policy specification is populated from the existing infrastructure. Policy that is successfully imported is also output to a file named after the zone that was specified. The certificate:manage scope is require to import policy from Trust Protection Platform.

SSH Certificate Management

  1. Declare the Venafi provider and specify the connection and authentication settings as described in the previous sections.

    πŸ“Œ NOTE: For Trust Protection Platform, the access_token assigned to the Venafi provider must have the ssh:manage scope in order to create SSH certificates.

    Trust Protection Platform:

    provider "venafi" {
      url          = "https://tpp.venafi.example"
      trust_bundle = file("/path/to/bundle.pem")
      access_token = "p0WTt3sDPbzm2BDIkoJROQ=="
  2. Create a resource venafi_ssh_certificate that will generate a new key pair and enroll the ssh certificate needed by a remote host:

    resource "venafi_ssh_certificate" "remote-host" {
      key_id = "my_remote"
      template = "devops-terraform"
      public_key_method = "service"
      source_address = [""]
      key_passphrase = "abcd"
      extension = [""]
      valid_hours = 4

    The venafi_ssh_certificate resource has the following options, which only key_id and template are required:

    Property Type Description Default
    key_id String The identifier of the requested certificate none
    template String The certificate issuing template none
    key_passphrase String Passphrase for encrypting the private key none
    folder String The DN of the policy folder where the certificate object will be created. It will overwrite the default folder set at the template none
    force_command String The requested force command none
    key_size Int The key size bits, they will be used for creating keypair 3072
    windows Bool Output certificate and key files in Windows format (i.e. with \r\n line endings) instead of Unix format (i.e. \n line endings). false
    valid_hours Int How much time the requester wants to have the certificate valid, the format is hours none
    object_name String The friendly name for the certificate object. If not specified, the value of the key_id is used. none
    public_key String The path of the public key that will be used to generate the certificate if public_key_method set to file none
    public_key_method String If the public key will be: local or service generated or file provided local
    principal List [DEPRECATED] This will be removed in the future. Use principals instead. The requested principals none
    principals List The requested principals none
    source_address List The requested source addresses as list of IP/CIDR none
    destination_address List The address (FQDN/hostname/IP/CIDR) of the destination host where the certificate will be used for authentication. Applicable for client certificates and is used for reporting/auditing only. none
    extension List The requested certificate extensions none
  3. Create a resource venafi_ssh_config that will hold configuration needed by a remote host:

    resource "venafi_ssh_config" "cit" {
      template = "devops-terraform-cit"

    The venafi_ssh_config resource has the following option, which is required when obtaining configuration from the template:

    Property Type Description Default
    template String The certificate issuing template none

    In addition, the following attributes are exported:

    Property Type Description
    ca_public_key String The template's CA PublicKey
    principals List The requested principals


Copyright Β© Venafi, Inc. All rights reserved.

This solution is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

Please direct questions/comments to


HashiCorp Terraform provider that uses Venafi to streamline machine identity (certificate and key) acquisition.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


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