Varstahl / GOG-Galaxy-HTML5-exporter

Uses the Galaxy 2 exported CSV to build a searchable HTML5 game library list.

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timgir opened this issue · comments

Hi !

Thanks for your work !

When I execute, the script show every time the help message :

timothee@arch-game ~/p/p/GOG-Galaxy-HTML5-exporter (master)> python
usage: [-h] [-d CHARACTER] [-i FN] [-l FN] [-o FN] [--image-list] [--html5] [--title TITLE] [--embed] [--py-lists]

GOG Galaxy 2 export converter: parses the “GOG Galaxy 2 exporter” CSV to generate a list of cover images and/or a searchable HTML5 list of games.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -d CHARACTER        CSV field separator, defaults to comma
  -i FN, --input FN   CSV file path
  -l FN, --list FN    pathname of the generated list of cover URLs
  -o FN, --output FN  pathname of the generated HTML5 games list
  --image-list        create an image list
  --html5             export the game list in html5 format
  --title TITLE       title of the HTML5 file
  --embed             embeds CSS & JS instead of linking the resources
  --py-lists          the CSV has Python parseable instead of delimiter separated strings


timothee@arch-game ~/p/p/GOG-Galaxy-HTML5-exporter (master)> python -i ../GOG-Galaxy-Export-Script/gameDB.csv
usage: [-h] [-d CHARACTER] [-i FN] [-l FN] [-o FN] [--image-list] [--html5] [--title TITLE] [--embed] [--py-lists]

GOG Galaxy 2 export converter: parses the “GOG Galaxy 2 exporter” CSV to generate a list of cover images and/or a searchable HTML5 list of games.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -d CHARACTER        CSV field separator, defaults to comma
  -i FN, --input FN   CSV file path
  -l FN, --list FN    pathname of the generated list of cover URLs
  -o FN, --output FN  pathname of the generated HTML5 games list
  --image-list        create an image list
  --html5             export the game list in html5 format
  --title TITLE       title of the HTML5 file
  --embed             embeds CSS & JS instead of linking the resources
  --py-lists          the CSV has Python parseable instead of delimiter separated strings

Test with Python 3.8.5 & 3.9.2, same issue.

Can you help me please ?

Did you export the csv file first? GOG Galaxy 2.0 Export Script

Yes, as you can see in my second example.

You have to create the image list with --image-list before. Then download the images with wget for example and after that you can export the html-game-list-file with --html5

@mmodrow did an awesome job to simplify all steps at GOG-Galaxy-Export
python .\ -i "$outputPath\gogExport.csv" -o "$outputPath\gogExport.html" -d " " --html5 --image-list

Sorry, I just received the notification today, the issue went under my radar. The initial syntax is correct, but (I think) there are no default actions. As @IAmKontrast said, you either need to use --html5, --image-list or both.

So a basic syntax would be

$ python -i ../GOG-Galaxy-Export-Script/gameDB.csv --html5 --image-list

Delimiters and export file names are not necessary if you're using defaults.

Edit: let me know if you have further questions.

@Varstahl Are you going to do some further improvements like displaying the game title below the cover and not only in the dialog? I got some more ideas but I ain't really familiar into Frontend development.

I think there are improvements to be done but I'm not sure if I already developed the customisation in deep enough detail. In theory it should be possible to customize everything however you want, both the HTML output and how things display, but I just realised I might also do some sort of presets with a few variations.

Any work probably won't come soon, I've been heavily time restricted lately, but I'm not one to abandon projects, if that's what you're asking. If you have good ideas, feel free to open new issues with feature requests :)

Thanks for help @IAmKontrast & @Varstahl, it's works now !

@Varstahl don't worries about your reply time, it's ok ;)

I was confused because I believe --html5 & --image-list are been optionals arguments.

I have 2 troubles.

First, with image names. They now call .webp?namespace=gamesdb extension but you expect .webp. So I write quickly a little script for this :

Secondly, witch research in HTML page, I have this error in web console Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ',' or ']' after array element at line 1 column 24 of the JSON data onSearch file:///home/timothee/prog/python/GOG-Galaxy-HTML5-exporter/templates/script.js:140
If I have time, I will try to find & fix it but it's not critical error :)

Oof, I forgot to put it in the documentation. After you download the image list, if you run an html5 export it will automatically rename all the image files, without the need to do it manually. As for the search I can confirm it's currently broken, there must have been some standard changing in browsers, because afair it was working before. I'll take a look at it.

The issue should be fixed with 3040718, it was introduced with the new episodes of "3 out of 10" in my case, where they started using double quotes. You can grab the python file and run it. Thanks for noticing, also.