VarianAPIs / PyESAPI

Python interface to Eclipse Scripting API

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PyESAPI on Citrix

pgallego25 opened this issue · comments

Is there any way to run PyESAPI over an Aria citrix based implementation?

Thank you!

Assuming it's not a clinical environment, absolutely! You install an anaconda3 environment on the Citrix host/Eclipse client (install for "just me" into a well accessable folder/file share location). Then create an ESAPI single file plug-in to launch anaconda prompt and jupyter notebook. If you are interested, I can share those launcher scripts. Some permissions from your sysadmin may be required.

Hi Mike,

I am also trying to install PYESAPI in an Aria/Citrix environment. I would be very interested in these launcher scripts and any other information you could provide.

Thank You.

PyESAPI is intended for research use only (typically on a TBOX).


Hello, I m working on pyESAPI.
Can you please let me know, how to transfer the current running database to the TBOX to use it for research with pyESAPI?


Hi Mike, for , is pyesapi36 supporting clinical plug-in script (i.e. compile into dll and used in production system)? thank you

Hi Mike, for , is pyesapi36 supporting clinical plug-in script (i.e. compile into dll and used in production system)? thank you

PyESAPI is not supported for clinical use.


On my clinic, the TBOX only contains a small test-set of random patients (~100), but I would like to have access to more of them. Specially for new created "patients" related to phantoms used for QA.

Do you know another approach instead update the TBOX database?

Thanks for your amazing work!