ValveSoftware / steamvr_unreal_plugin

SteamVR Input Unreal Plugin - Documentation at: Sample project (UE4.15-4.23): Sample Project (UE.424+):

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Input in VR template does not seem to work when packaged (4.25, Valve Index)

alxslr opened this issue · comments

When I package a project for W10, even the plain VR template, the controller input buttons don't seem to work (at least Valve Index's)
Everything works fine in VR preview mode
-In preview mode, I can grab the cubes, in packaged project, no.
-'A' button for teleport works fine in preview mode, but does not respond when I package the project.
-If I add the trigger button to the "Teleport" Input Action mapping (in Project Settings), it's the same: works in VR Preview , but does nothing when packaged.
-Thumbstick works for teleport in VR Preview and also in packaged project.
Haven't tried the other buttons


hi @alxslr - are there any errors in the log? can you post them here?

Some warnings, (no errors). I attach the log

I've also just installed 4.26 and tested the plain VR template there (Have not upgraded the 4.25 project but created a new project from scratch from 4.26).

Results are here consistent between editor version and packaged version, but behaviour is still not 100% ok.

  • Button A for teleport works fine, in editor and packaged project.
  • Grip does not seem to work (I can't grab the cubes anymore, neither in editor nor in packaged).

Here is the log for this last one (4.26)

Hi @alxslr - can you send the debug log - the logs generated by the executable. It should be generated under a "Saved" directory if you make a debug build.

Sorry for the late answer.

You mean in a C++ project? Sorry I've never used a C++ project before.

What I can give you is the editor log (before Play), since I see there is a warning related with the VR motion controller that could be relevant. Hope it sends any clue.


When you make a build in Unreal, the default is usually Development (or Debug in some versions of the engine):

Now on your build, if you run the executable file (.exe), a "{ProjectName}/Saved/Logs" directory will be generated in your build (where the executable file is not where the uproject is). These are the runtime debug logs. Test the inputs during runtime of your .exe file and send over the logs that are then generated in the directory above so we can review.

I'm asking for the runtime debug logs because you mentioned the template doesn't work in a packaged build. Unless I misunderstood your issue and you are also encountering the issue from the Editor?

There is also a known engine issue with the copying of the binding files to packaged builds in case this is the issue you are encountering:
#112 (comment)

I've attached you the log as you asked.

About this question you made:

I'm asking for the runtime debug logs because you mentioned the template doesn't work in a packaged build. Unless I >misunderstood your issue and you are also encountering the issue from the Editor?

In fact, as I pointed in last messages, that was what was happenning when I posted the issue initially: that the template did not work, only in the packaged versions. There were different inputs that worked in editor but not in packaged: teleport (A button or tumbstick), grip action (to grab the cubes) and also teleport ussing a "trigger" binding that I added to the action, in order to test the trigger button. That was in 4.25 and all those controls worked in Editor but not in packaged.

When I changed to 4.26 (with a brand new VR template, not updated from the last project), the behaviour changed. All the menctioned controls worked fine in editor AND in packaged, with the exception of the grip action, that this time does not work neither in the editor nor in the packaged. So the problems have been reduced to one: I can't grab the cubes. But what before was a packaged-only issue, now happens also in the editor (but as I say, the only thing that does not work is the grip, also in the editor).

So now (in 4.26) there is identical behaviour in both, packaged and editor.

Hope I've managed to clarify, but if you have more qüestions don't hesitate to ask. Vacation is over now so I hope I'll be able to ask you more quickly :-)



Thanks for the extra info @alxslr. It seems that the final/release 4.26 engine VR template is missing Index mappings for Grab. Have reported to Epic.

You can manually add the input mappings though, I've tested and Trigger and GripGrab, but we suggest GripGrab:

FYI - just discussed with Epic, it appears that the key the binding refers to in the vr template (Grip click) was accidentally deleted in 4.26. Epic is adding it back in 4.27 and also fixing the default VR template. Unfortunately since the code change is in a public header, the fixes cant be added on a Hotfix so must wait for the full qa cycle in the next full version release.

Will keep this open for now until 4.27 is released with the fixes.

Thanks again for reporting!

Ok good to know, Rune,
Thanks for the update.

We'll wait till 4.27, then :-)

Hello Everybody,

i try it in UE4.27, in the Editor it runs allright, but in the packaged Game the controllers are not even recognized.
(means the VR Hands are lying dead on the ground and no controller input do any change.
Only open steamVR Menue with the "Start" Button works.
I only use the standart template so no changes by myself.

If any body can help or has any other resources, how I bring "Knuckels" to work well, it would be very great.
I have do a lot of research but can find anything. ( I'm a Designer with limited Blueprint knowledge )
