ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games

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[CS1.6] Texture Filtering causes blurry models after HL25-years update

Haco opened this issue · comments

Before the Update (on legacy or beta branch) it looked like this:

gl_texturemode is set to "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"

The textures on the player and weapon models look clear. Yes, the edges are jacked, but that's intended because I don't use msaa and I'm on 640x480.

With the 25-years Update:

With texture filtering checkbox ON (or gl_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_linear):

The player and weapon models are blurry (compare eg. the wooden handle of the ak), The map looks ok.

With texture filtering OFF (or gl_texturemode gl_nearest):

The player and weapon models are not that blurry anymore, but the map is pixelated.

I've also tried all available combinations of gl_texturemode, but none of them matches the look of "before the update".

Hello @Haco, this looks like the same issue as #3658. Closing as a duplicate.