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[Linux] view model is very shakey after update

sylveonsylvia opened this issue · comments


title. the view model shakes around as if your turning rapidly while moving

(streamable link because the video is too large to upload to github sorry)

I am also having this issue, but I can confirm NONE of my windows friends are having this out of the 20 I've asked; This seems to be a Linux only issue for sure!

same here

Same started happening for me as well. Does not happen when I play on windows with the same hardware.

System Info:

Same thing right after an update as well. Crazy how much this is happening most noticeable on flicks, slight mouse lifts also.

System Info:

This may deserve a new post, but besides this random shaky cam view, I also notice more fps dropping to the lower end after this update.
Before I capped my fps at 160, which was rather stable. Now fps frequently drops below 160 ( seen in cl_showfps 1).

Same, console is full of these messages for me, maybe has to do something with lag:

[Client] CL:  deleting entity 951 C_WeaponAWP due to reconcile issue!

Reseted cache but it did not help.

I'm also getting loads of
[Client] CL: deleting entity 1490 C_WeaponP250 due to reconcile issue!
errors, but I can't say it's definitely related.


I am happy to see i am not the only one with this problem.

  • Its made the game unplayable for me, it is way too distracting

valve fix it

same problem here.

also (I feel it's related) mouse sensitivity is suddenly much lower, without having changed anything (and don't know how much exactly to be able to compensate in the settings). I've not accidentally DPI-switched my mouse because other (non-Steam) games work and feel like before.

Not only that, additionally, mouse movement has now some sort of dead zone, I have to move the mouse some amount before the crosshair moves.

All very annoying, obviously literally unplayable (no joke this time) for me currently.


@scr0llbaer9000 I doubt this is related, I don't have this issue

I do have the weapon shaking issue though

same here. weapon shaking like my character is 100 years old

I realized that my shaky model is related when I lift the mouse and put it back down. When I stick the mouse to the mousepad i have no glitches.

I have the shaky model when keeping the mouse only on the pad, I'm not sure if that has to do with the higher DPI mouse I'm using though. I've also noticed that player models jump around even when ping is 8 ms to a Valve casual server. It feels like the animations are out of sync with the server or something, and to correct it we get this jerky behavior that doesn't feel good to play in, but that is pure speculation.

I found out it gets worse with lower FPS by locking the game to 30. Players with lower end systems are impacted even worse.

Any idea why this is happening? Also happens to me on Fedora 40 with nvidia :(

I can confirm that it seems to only happen when my mouse touches the mouspad after lifting it a bit

small update from Valve didnt help
lowering mouse sensitivity dint help either
on bright side, after playing like this for some time I'm pretty confident I'll be able to play even with Alzheimer


Also got the shaking, using Nvidia 550.78 driver. The game also freezes for about 5 seconds whenever switching back to it after switching workspaces when it used to be instant.
Like others said, it did feel like the shakes happened more often when lifting the mouse which is weird. Trying to reproduce the pointer movement that happens when lifting and lowering (without lifting) didn't increase shaking frequency in the same way.

Can confirm as well. It was fine before update, after update view model started shaking, using NVIDIA GPU with 550.78 driver on GNOME Xorg session.

Can confirm on Arch Linux, NVIDIA GPU 550.78 Xorg on KDE.

Edit: System info -

Instead of posting "Same here" lets just put a 👍 on the original post. :)

One more update - still not fixed

@kisak-valve , it can be quite distracting, to a level I can't really play the game without looking at those glitches.


Finally, i am quite happy this is an issue on Valve side rather than on my system because, yesterday, i changed my keyboard, so i had a doubt on it until i see this post 👍

Setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in seems to fix it.

I don't know if wayland session is stable enough tho.

same here(

Also experiencing this tonight. Can be reproduced by rotating the character and tabbing out during so, then back in. Same with the Win key if bound to a start menu pop-up (Also shifts focus while rotating).

I was also somehow able to reproduce this by lifting the mouse with my hand (gripped) and tapping it on the table causing erratic movement. The player's weapon also goes crazy at that without focus loss. Its as if the player's rotation speed is being incorrectly calculated for their first person weapon viewmodel.


Setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in seems to fix it.

I don't know if wayland session is stable enough tho.

Tried setting it in cs2.h but it freezes at the valve red box and doesnt go further, then crashes.

Tried the setting in startup parameters and it fixed all of my ui glitches - still the problem sadly persists for me.

Lowering the poolling of my mouse down to 125Hz seems to mostly resolved the issue...

Setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in seems to fix it.

I don't know if wayland session is stable enough tho.

Excuse me, that is complete nonsense. CS2 still does not support Wayland. It does nothing on X11, which you are probably using, and it crashes the game when using Wayland.

Setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in seems to fix it.
I don't know if wayland session is stable enough tho.

Tried setting it in cs2.h but it freezes at the valve red box and doesnt go further, then crashes.

Tried the setting in startup parameters and it fixed all of my ui glitches - still the problem sadly persists for me.

That is also nonsense, setting it from startup parameters does nothing because the value is overridden in


Setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in seems to fix it.

I don't know if wayland session is stable enough tho.

Changing export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=x11 to export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in worked for me too. Sadly steam overlay does not seem to work when using SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland.

Can confirm this happens for me. Arch Linux latest, X11, KDE Plasma, happens after the Fire Sale update. Lifting and dropping my mouse onto my mousepad does it.

Turning mouse polling rate from 1000 to 125hz removes the "shake-iness".

Excuse me, that is complete nonsense. CS2 still does not support Wayland. It does nothing on X11, which you are probably using, and it crashes the game when using Wayland.

Not complete nonsense. IF you use Wayland, setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in might fix the issue -- at least it did for me. It looks like CS2 partially supports Wayland already. I do experience some crashes here and there, but I'd rather have that than a stuttering viewmodel. At least this narrows the problem down for the developers.

Having the same issues, my friends on Windows don't have this problem and can't see the shakes when spectating me.

Turning mouse polling rate from 1000 to 125hz removes the "shake-iness".

where did you change the polling rate?

My mouse driver can do this in a windows VM write the config to the mouse internals (logitech hub)

Setting export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in seems to fix it.
I don't know if wayland session is stable enough tho.

Changing export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=x11 to export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland in worked for me too. Sadly steam overlay does not seem to work when using SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=wayland.

This also fixes the view model shaking for me, but the Wayland build has some weird mouse acceleration (probably why it's not enabled by default) which makes playing the game even more difficult then my character having Parkinson's disease.

EDIT: Also for what it's worth you can just comment out/remove the "export SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER=x11" and the game will launch the Wayland build if you're in a Wayland session.


where did you change the polling rate?

I can use piper ( to change my mouse settings. However switching between 1000 and 125 Hz made no difference.
I did notice that setting the DPI to 6400 makes the shaking a lot more aggressive though when lifting the mouse.

(by aggressive I don't mean that it moves further as expected, but it seems to loop the shake animation about 10 times in a second)

sorry if I wrongly mentioned you @kisak-valve, but I think this bug is well known and annoying enough for linux user :(

@tengkuizdihar this is absolutly right! Thank you!

When will Valve finally fix this bug? At the same time, you can declare the ^ character on the keyboard as ^ again! (Because with the update there are now several hyroglyph characters if I press ^ in the chat).

I really don't understand why you always have to mess around with Linux users...


ERROR: Wayland display connection closed by server (fatal) when trying to launch with wayland. Not sure what sort of magical version you are on, but this is not the fix.

Experiencing this issue too
Here is my system information:

can confirm the same, on bazzite OS using the steam deck ui

We believe we have figured this out and have a fix. The hope is to ship a fix for it tomorrow.

THANKS @danginsburg and @kisak-valve and all the other devs!
We linux user really appreciate your effort!!


Fixed in the latest update !

Fixed on Linux Mint 21.3 with the newest update. Thank you!

Hopped in game and looks like it's working great now! ✨

confirmed. its fixed. Thanks


This also fixed the skins not appearing in-game on my system

Zorin Pro 17.1 here, fixed! Thank you.