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Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components

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Fallout 4 (377160)

smirgol opened this issue · comments

Requires xact dlls in order to play voices and some other sounds.

WINEPREFIX=/media/Volume/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx winetricks xact

Requires change to config, so mouse won't jump around:



Two issues remain:
The mouse will leave the window when turning the character around. As soon as the mouse leaves the game window, the character does no longer turn around. I've tried to set "Capture mouse in fullscreen" and also to set a virtual desktop with winecfg, but both to no avail. Setting the virtual desktop caused new problems, but this is what used to fix the problem for me when using WINE - without I have the same problem there and only when using DXVK.

Then, no Bethesda game is ever complete without mods.
In order to make the Fallout 4 (and Skyrim) script extender work, a patch is required to allocate memory from top down, so there are free memory addresses before the Fallout4 binary which the script extender needs to inject itself. Wine allocates the memory for the game binary at the very first address, so there is no space before that to inject anything.

See discussion here: doitsujin/dxvk#363
See patch here:

In an ideal world, wine/proton would simply leave some memory unallocated before the binary, or solve the issue in a different way, but mapping top down also does the trick and did not cause any issues for me so far.

Besides these things it does start up for me without the audio hack that is required in WINE, which is a big plus for proton. 👍

I get the exact same mouse issue, done lots of digging and found no current workaround. As far as I can tell it's specific to multimonitor setups (could be otherwise though, I've seen users with single monitors not having these issues).

I think setting wine to emulate a virtual desktop is a viable fix for the mouse issue, but for me (and others, it seems) it causes everything to render as black boxes and I cannot get past the launcher.

Yes, I'm on a three monitor setup, which I forgot to mention.
I'm always amazed by so many developers seemingly having only one monitor. I could not live and code without three monitors anymore. :)

Update on this,

I'm using the latest beta of Proton (which you can enable via settings->steam play on the steam client), and running the game in a virtual desktop now works, and with the 'capture mouse in fullscreen' solves the mouse issue as long as you apply the config changes mentioned by @smirgol

WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX='/path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx' winecfg

Edit; It seems that this is only true when I let it load up the virtual desktop on my left-most monitor, doing it on any other results with the same black rendering and inability to get past the launcher :/

I can confirm that.
When enabling the virtual desktop, it will only work if it is started on the first monitor (left), not on the second (middle), not on the third (right).

As a workaround I disabled my first monitor, so my middle monitor is now the first one, and then it works - also enabled "capture mouse in fullscreen".

Maybe someone can look into why virtual desktop only works on the first monitor?

My mouse issue was that it behaved like a gamepad joystick (so moving the mouse left would make the character spin - at high speed - until moving it back to centre) but it was solved with the same changes described above regarding emulated desktop and capturing the mouse. I did not need to change my fallout config.

I still don't get voices (and some other sounds) even with xact.

@smirgol Perhaps we should check other Proton games we have installed with a virtual desktop and see if they behave the same way? I'm pretty sure its a bug effecting all games on a multi-monitor setup.

Fallout 4 fails to start after the launcher for me with Proton 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 beta due to missing nvapi64:

(Debian 9.5 stable, GTX 1080, driver 384.130)

167480.850:0030:0031:trace:module:load_dll looking for L"C:\windows\system32\nvapi64.dll" in L"Z:\home\gaming\.steam\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows\system;C:\windows;.;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\system32\wbem"
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:module:get_load_order looking for L"C:\windows\system32\nvapi64.dll"
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:module:get_load_order_value got standard key n,b for L"nvapi64"
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:module:load_builtin_dll Trying built-in L"nvapi64.dll"
167480.851:0030:0031:warn:module:load_builtin_dll cannot open .so lib for builtin L"nvapi64.dll": /home/gaming/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 3.7 Beta/dist/lib/wine/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
167480.851:0030:0031:warn:module:load_dll Failed to load module L"C:\windows\system32\nvapi64.dll"; status=c0000135
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException code=c0000005 flags=0 addr=0x141d1783c ip=141d1783c tid=0031
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException info[0]=0000000000000000
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException info[1]=0000000000000000
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException rax=0000000140003110 rbx=0000000000018130 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=000000000023f8b0
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000b18 rbp=000000000023f930 rsp=000000000023f830
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException r8=00000000000fc008 r9=000000000000002a r10=0000000000000002 r11=0000000000000000
167480.851:0030:0031:trace:seh:NtRaiseException r12=000000000023fd88 r13=0000000000000001 r14=0000000146219900 r15=00000000000009c0

@bobintetley looks like your drivers are seriously out of date, you want to be using 396.51 or 396.54.

See here

I'd rather stick to the Debian distro bundled drivers if I can. I have Fallout 4 running just fine with wine 3.6-ge on the same machine so I don't think the drivers are an issue in this case. The debug trace I posted above shows that FO4 has a dependency on nvapi64.dll which is not present in proton 3.7 - there's a stub for nvapi in later versions of wine.

Interesting, because it works for the rest of us in Proton 3.7.

You should really reconsider updating your drivers though, your current ones are over 5 months old and there are huge performance boosts in .54 due to some old "resource leak" issue that has existed in the Nvidia drivers for a while.

also the new drivers contain lots of vulkan fixes which proton relies on. You are only hurting yourself.

Ok ok, you convinced me - I'll upgrade my drivers ;D

Just to report back, I updated my drivers to 390.77 (by moving to Debian buster) and bizarrely the nvapi64.dll error went away. I have absolutely no idea why that should be the case, but that seems to have fixed it and FO4 starts for me with Proton now.

As others have found with other games, I had to add library overrides for xaudio to get sound working and run the game in a virtual desktop with the capture mouse/fullscreen option to prevent the mouse escaping the game. After all that, it works great!

I followed the steps here to fix the mouse issue. and the steps from this video to fix the audio issues.

the first comment in this thread mentions xact. I also needed to override xaudio2_6 and xaudio2_7 and set them both to native in order to fix my audio completely.

I only have one monitor, and any combination of grab mouse in full screen and virtual desktop does not work for me. I can still only turn about 90 degrees in each direction before it gets "stuck".
This is very odd as I don't remember having this issue when trying the game with wine-staging alone.

Btw. if anyone have trouble finding the games ini files they are under:
/home/[username]/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout 4

If you're using a virtual desktop, make sure the game is in full screen mode rather than windowed. Also, make sure the virtual desktop size matches the full screen resolution of your desktop.

@Lejoni : it's not the [steamuserid] but the game's steam id, which is 377160. ;-)

Sometimes for me it helps to click with the left mouse button and then I can turn around as much as I want. Usually happens after alt-tabbing out of the game. Not sure if it helps you, but it's worth a try.
FWIW: I play in windowed mode, virtual desktop set at my native resolution, grab mouse enabled.

One more thing that is sometimes useful to know:
When your TAB key no longer works ingame, usually after alt-tabbing out of the game and back, switch out of the game to a different app, bring up the app selector (Alt-Tab) and click the Fallout4 app icon with the mouse.

@smirgol Ah thanks. For some reason I thought steam used one prefix for all games. I'm glad they don't :)
I never tried clicking will try that :)

The issue with TAB no longer working I have encountered many times in Skyrim. Sometimes it simply helps if I press and release alt a few times. It's like the game think alt is constantly pressed.

@smirgol Hmm now when I went to try clicking it worked before I clicked while in game world.
Only thing I can think of is that I clicked continue to load instead of pressing E on main menu.
I have no virtual desktop but have grab mouse on in fullscreen and game in fullscreen.

Sound starts to get really messy after a while tho. and there are some lighting issues in certain areas where I can only see light effects on the top half of the screen. Might be fixable by turning down some settings.

I had issues with sound dropping out and going mute after about 20-30 minutes of play (sometimes a lot less). I just tried setting the launch options to:


Since then, I haven't had sound drop out on me. It could just be good luck but I've had two separate 2 hour sessions and a few shorter ones since then and sound has remained stable so far.

PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% made it even worse for me
so I tried PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 %command% and now sound seams nice and stable :)

I managed to get esp mods to work. Just had to create plugins.txt and populate it manually.

Only issue I have left now is the odd lighting bug on bottom half of the screen.
It only happens indoors and only while looking in certain directions.

Here is a picture of the graphical bug I have:

This is now the only imperfection I have left. Otherwise the game runs flawless.

anyone having any issues with the game not loading saves or starting a new game? i get to the main menu and try to load a save or start a new game and it just loops forever on the loading screen

Unfortunately, despite by all written in this topic , whit Proton I still have a problem with missing conversation audio(all other sound work) , and after around 30 minute begin serious micro-stuttering(fps is around 50-100).
Installation through the Lutris there no problems.
system info

To go back to something that hasn't been tweaked, with the latest Proton Beta (3.7-6) my mouse is still completely crazy unless I run FO4 in a window, and there's no conversation sound (and possibly other missing sound)

@nijiwar @HughPH have you overridden xaudio 2.7? You'll need to do that via winecfg

I also had some success fixing sound dropping out by setting PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60. I've not found a fix for the mouse issue outside of running the game in a virtual desktop.

@GloriousEggroll yes and same issue with Skyrim SE. I haven't tired Oldrim yet though.

@winterwicht I will try that. But if it works it would be strange as it's not "normal" tearing.
It is only the lighting effects that has that tearing. The textures are fine. And the lightning tearing does not occur in all places of the game. But as I said will try it nonetheless.

@Lejoni should do the trick, i had the same effect and its gone after that. And you should turn off compositors own tearing

for the sound problem, i found another "maybethis" tip:

in falloutprefs.ini set iMaxDesired=0
2 hour session without problems.

next: i am on a triple monitor setup, Proton Beta 3.7.6
No bBackgroundMouse=1 necessary for me, if i do that, the mouse turns only 180°.

@winterwicht Im not using KDE.
For me the 180° mouse problem disappears if I left click once in game.

I have not had any more problems with sound sins I started to use launch option:

NOT using KDE ? is there something else useable out there ? wtf ? .... ;)
Sry, my fault.

I can't get this game to get past the loading screen for the life of me.

I open the game
I go to new game
infinite loading loop.

I open the game
I go to load save
infinite loading loop.

Also the audio option is greyed out in the settings with an infinite loading circle next to it.

I have not modified anything in regards to the game. I've tried removing and reinstalling it. Tried both Proton 3.7 beta (latest) and Proton 3.7.

Arch Linux, using steam-runtime
vega 64 on llvm 7 and mesa 18.3-git
threadripper 1950x

Fallout 4 Black screen.

Issue transferred from #1425.
@chargedupR posted on 2018-09-13T13:40:33:

Compatibility Report

  • Name of the game with compatibility issues: Fallout 4
  • Steam AppID of the game: 377160

System Information

  • GPU: GTX 970
  • Driver/LLVM version: nvidia 396.54
  • Kernel version: 4.18.5-90.current
  • Link to full system information report as Gist:
  • Proton version: 3.7-6

I confirm:

  • that I haven't found an existing compatibility report for this game.
  • that I have checked whether there are updates for my system available.

I had to upload my proton log up to somewhere due to it crashing on everypaste bin due to the largeness of it:.


When launching the game, I get a completely blackscreen (when launching from the launcher, not meaning the steam launcher), going through the protonlog I figured it could be something to do with proton maybe starting with my integrated graphics, but i'm bad at reading/debugging. so i'm open to any suggestions.

Fallout 4 on Steam Play, New Game won't start

Issue transferred from #1495.
@amsalazar777 posted on 2018-09-17T17:59:41:

Compatibility Report

  • Name of the game with compatibility issues: Fallout 4
  • Steam AppID of the game:

System Information

  • GPU: GTX 1080ti
  • Driver/LLVM version: 396.54
  • Kernel version:
  • Link to full system information report as Gist:
  • Proton version: 3.7-6 BETA

I confirm:

  • that I haven't found an existing compatibility report for this game.
  • that I have checked whether there are updates for my system available.


I've installed Steam on Ubuntu and have enabled "Steam Play". Steam Play works for most of my games. For fallout 4 specifically I can't get past the Main Menu. Everything works fine until I want to start a new game. As soon as I click "New Game" the loading icon pops up at the bottom right screen and will continue as the menu screen cycles through the camera angles. That's as far as it gets. Never finishes loading, never allows to quit the game, never starts a new game.

PC Specs:
CPU: AMD Threadripper 1950x
GPU: NVIDIA 1080ti OC edition (latest GPU driver installed: 396.54)
Mother Board: ROG Zenith Extreme
Memory: 32 GB

I have no mods on this game, but i do have all the dlc from the Game Of The Year Edition


@GloriousEggroll commented on 2018-09-17T18:35:41

I've reported this in the main fallout 4 bug report here: #308 (comment)

it may be noted we both have the same issue and both are using a threadripper 1950x. unsure if that has any relation to the issue

anyone having any issues with the game not loading saves or starting a new game? i get to the main menu and try to load a save or start a new game and it just loops forever on the loading screen

@GloriousEggroll Have you come across anything to get the game started yet?

Unfortunately, despite by all written in this topic , whit Proton I still have a problem with missing conversation audio(all other sound work) , and after around 30 minute begin serious micro-stuttering(fps is around 50-100).
Installation through the Lutris there no problems.
system info

Reinstall Proton , delete and create new prefix , lower all audio sliders half(i think this is the key for my case) and for now no problem with the sounds. Stutter is less.

After just installing xact, adding the bBackgroundMouse=1 setting enabling virtual desktop and full screen capture. The game runs, it starts up correctly but the mouse teleports as I move it. (Well the perspective, I cant see the cursor)

System Information

  • GPU: RX 570
  • CPU: Ryzen 7 1700
  • Driver: OpenGL version string: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 18.3.0-devel - padoka PPA
  • Proton Version: Proton 3.7-6 Beta
  • Distro: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Kernel: 4.15.0-34-generic

Other details

Other then that the game works quite well, and at a playable framerate, additionally the audio works at least in game, It doesn't happen for the main menu but that might be a setting. Also audio works for the occasional Special cutscenes.


Discard the mouse issue, I was unaware it the ini file was in compat data.
Also only some audio works, (not related to settings) knife sounds and run sounds seem to work, but not npc's.

I had the black screen cash problem too, right after clicking play it'd black screen then crash. It seems to be related to d3d11, probably need newer drivers. I'm on kubuntu 17.10, so can't use the latest mesa. Anyway, if you can't get that working with vulkan you can use "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%" to fix the problem for now. At least it worked for me.

@technolem weird, considering the fact I'm on the new 410 drivers myself and getting that issue.. will try and see if what you said has any affect for me.

Log, couldn't edit my original post since it was transferred.

Hello @chargedupR, INTEL-MESA: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete and eventfd: Too many open files in your log looks concerning. For the first part, you can effectively disable intel vulkan support by moving /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel* somewhere out of the way. For the second part, please give a read.

Works for me with the same issues as others have noted: Silent Sounds, Mad Mouse, and No Networking.

No Networking means "creation club" and "mods" are not available on the main menu, and the "News/Tips" do not appear on top/right of the main menu screen.
This seems to be because the Proton builds do not contain, and instead try to link the specific version, which does not exist on my distribution.

If you have this problem, create a symbolic link in /dist/lib64/ to your distribution's ; Obviously, a change to Proton's link behaviour would likely be better.

This works for me, although the connection seems to drop quite regularly and require me to log in to Bethesda.Net again.

Mad Mouse, as noted in the first post by @smirgol , can be tamed with an ini file setting. I still get the effects where one or both axes of motion get locked to a narrow range unless I run fullscreen at the native resolution of the monitor.

Even then, switching away from Fallout4 and back again locks the mouse. This can be resolved for me by bringing up the Pip-Boy UI, making any selection with the mouse, and dismissing the Pip-Boy UI. Mouse then works properly again.

Silent Sounds is the lack of the XAudio Windows API implementations in Wine/Proton. Again, as noted above you can load the Microsoft libraries using winetricks to get this working after a fashion; but eventually the sounds will lock up/loop, and the game hangs if you try to return to the desktop.

I find that a clean reboot and playing the game with no other sound-using applications running gives the best results, sometimes many hours without sound hangs. Problems most often occur with a high density of sounds being played, such as when storing all junk in a workbench or being near rapid fire turrets.

This seems like threading incompatibilities between what the Microsoft XAudio libraries expect and what Proton can provide by using OpenAL. An alternative would be to integrate FAudio ( free software implementation of XAudio ) into Wine/Proton, but I'm not sure when, or if, that will happen.

Update: I have the same problem in Skyrim SE as I do on Fallout 4 on threadripper: Game hangs infinitely on loading loop.

@GloriousEggroll i had a same issue, on archlinux you need to increase limit for max open files per process. See:

@Salamek I've already done this a long time ago as I've been using esync before proton on wine. Additionally this only applies if you run the game with esync. The problem persists even if you disable esync. Vanilla WINE also has the same issue. I did not have this issue until I tried on a threadripper system.

Just for further proof:

[gloriouseggroll@shittywok ge-wine]$ ulimit -Hn

Hello @chargedupR, INTEL-MESA: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete and eventfd: Too many open files in your log looks concerning. For the first part, you can effectively disable intel vulkan support by moving /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel* somewhere out of the way. For the second part, please give a read.

So you're saying just move this ( the intel ones out and it should essentially fix my first problem, hopefully? Okay. I will try that right now.

Edit: Also for the second advice you seemed to have given me to read, I increased my esync and all of that stuff. Fallout 4 now starts. I get mouse spasms and the audio is broken pretty much.

Added the thing to the config. I now get the 180 issue. running WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx winetricks xact seems to make my audio work, which caused stuttering for me which I fixed with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% on the launch options.

Setting Mouse capture in full screen window and Emulate a virtual desktop in Winecfg and also bBackgroundMouse=1 on the Fallout4Custom.ini, realy fixes the mouse problem. But the game seems to run very freezed, dropping a good amount of FSP. I've the impression that it's running more smooth without the Emulate a virtual desktop. So, I'll be without it and keep playing with the joystick for now...

System Information

GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
CPU: AMD® Fx(tm)-6300 six-core processor × 6
Driver: nvidia-driver-396
Proton Version: Proton 3.7-6 Beta
Distro: Ubuntu 18.04
Kernel: 4.15.0-36-generic

Edit about the performance with Emulate a virtual desktop:
Looks like that disabling the Steam Overlay on Steam client settings and in Winecfg Graphics tab check Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows and Emulate a virtual desktop (and set your desired resolution) then uncheck Allow the window manager to decorate the windows and Allow the window manager to control the windows made the trick to almost matches its performance with the non virtual desktop (the default) one. Now I'm playing with mouse. :)


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, or been answered before, but I couldn't find any info about this anywhere.

Where is the Fallout4Custom.ini file located? I know on Windows it's in /Documents/My Games/Fallout 4

And I managed to find the Fallout4Prefs.ini inside the /steamapps/common/Fallout 4/Fallout 4/

But I can't find the Fallout4 or Fallout4Custom.ini

@breadland Its should be located on the wine prefix, under the steamuser. Like follows:
/<whatever_path_you_put_your_SteamLibrary>/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout4


@Victoralm Thank you! Worked perfectly for me and now my mouse doesn't go crazy. I'll post these instructions on since no one else there has really gone into detail about where to find the .ini's.

There's still some minor issues, performance isn't as good as Windows, and I notice some vertical tearing, and there's this translucent brownish pixelated overlay that shows up when I look at certain buildings, usually ones that aren't lit.

Oh, and the game hangs on exit and the process never closes. No matter how long I want. SO I have to manually end the process each time I exit by using System Monitor.

But yeah, I can actually play it now!

@breadland Glad it works. I think it will be perfect when the mouse problem has been solved for good and script extender come to work !

@breadland Glad it works. I think it will be perfect when the mouse problem has been solved for good and script extender come to work !

Just need that pesky mouse fix :/


Just adding my experiences. I have a lot of the same things, but the mouse thing is weird for me. I have it working well with the mouse fix. However, I cannot play full screen then i cannot turn to right more than 180. But does not happen in window mode. Mods work, but not creation club. Cannot talk to the servers. Performance full screen quite good on amd 8350 and gtx titan... but kinda bad in window. With wine staging, i dont have the same mouse issue. if i move the mouse too far right, then i start slewing the desktop. Needed to add the xact and pulse tweak for sound to work correctly.

What works:

  1. manually installed mods (nexus mod manager just dies). Creation club does work with wine-staging
  2. almost all game play i have done.
  3. sound/music

What doesnt work:

  1. creation club
  2. mousefix stablizes mouse but unplaybable due to 180 degree bug to right in full screen (oddly no issue going to left)
  3. nexus mod manager .. i figure only a matter of time.

Watching this thread very closely.

With Current Proton 3.7-7, I have ran Xact on my Fallout 4 prefix, tried setting both xaudio_6 & 7 to native or native builtin my audio will eventually die. Explosions, Rain, Gun shots, entering a room. It's going to die.


Issue Report

  • Name of the game with issue: Fallout 4
  • Steam AppID of the game: 377160

System Information

  • GPU: Driver: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
  • Driver Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 410.57
  • SSD: 960 PRO M.2 1TB NVMe
  • Kernel version: 4.18.12-arch1-1-ARCH
  • Proton version: 3.7-7 Beta
  • Steam - System Information
  • PROTON_LOG - steam-377160.log

I Confirm:

  • that I have checked whether there are updates for my system available.
  • that I have followed the steps in the ""

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Run the game
  2. Open console and type "player.additem OOOE6B2E" (Gives the player 1000 mini nukes)
  3. Then type "tgm" (Toggle God Mode)
  4. Fire as many nukes as you can in as short a time as possible
  5. Bug occurs


  • The game audio loops indefinitely whatever audio was playing when the bug occurred.
  • The game doesn't quit when selecting quit from the main menu or in game start menu when I attempt to quit the "Fallout4.exe" hangs indefinitely.
  • The game is still playable everything but the audio and quiting seems to work just fine.
  • The Proton_log spams this output exactly when the bug occurs
    16371.927:001f:0025:err:hid_report:process_hid_report Device reports coming in too fast, last report not read yet!.

@Zixxik I can confirm that I have the same problem. Audio works on Proton 3.7-7 if I set xaudio_6 and 7, but it eventually dies. Like for example when a super mutant attacked me, their weapon sound kept on looping and some other sounds stopped, aftera minute or two everything including the looping gun sound stopped playing.

Can only be fixed by restarting. I also have the latest 18.2.2-1 mesa and vulkan drivers on Antergos.

The game seems to hang on exit. I have to find the [Fallout4.exe] <defunct> process and kill it by hand.

The 180 mouse bug seems to only be for full screen. Also, this makes no difference if 1 monitor, or 2. If set Full Screen=0, and bBorderless=1 then it works without this issue.

xaudio 7 works fine then crashes, however, if used with a bluetooth headset, it does not crash, and send audio into "dummy" mode. (Latest Manjaro).

Creation Club, and "Mods" are greyed out, cannot access either of these. Most of the game is working fine with the exception of aforementioned issues.


Since updating to proton 3.16-1 the game never starts up after clicking play in the fallout 4 launcher. Proton 3.7 still works fine. Proton log
Linux arch 4.18.14-1-ck #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Oct 14 12:54:45 MST 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux

warn:module:load_dll Failed to load module L"d3d11.dll"; status=c0000135
warn:module:load_dll Failed to load module L"dxgi.dll"; status=c0000135
This looks like the lines of interest in that log.


warn:module:load_dll Failed to load module L"d3d11.dll"; status=c0000135
warn:module:load_dll Failed to load module L"dxgi.dll"; status=c0000135
This looks like the lines of interest in that log.

Got it working after deleting proton 3.16 and the prefix and letting them both download again.

screenshot from 2018-10-16 21-31-29

Anyone else getting this? Checked the log and it looks potentially like some sort of access violation that's causing the process to crash and hang.

Log can be found here:

@kisak-valve Requesting an XAudio2 label for this game...

@kayomn I get that when starting up, but eventually it loads into the menu. Something is stopping it from loading properly. My guess is its the common audio bug and you need xact.

For AMD GPU needed patch for xserver
Without this path the game will stuck at start.

The game started freezing from time to time amd I'm getting this output from the Proton log file:

158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:execute_cfa_instructions 7bc91cec: DW_CFA_expression %xmm14 7bcf7580-7bcf7582
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:execute_cfa_instructions 7bc91cec: DW_CFA_advance_loc 5
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:execute_cfa_instructions 7bc91cf1: DW_CFA_expression %xmm15 7bcf7586-7bcf7588
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:dwarf_virtual_unwind next function rip=0000000000000000
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:dwarf_virtual_unwind   rax=00007fffffe80000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=00000000272ee870 rdx=000000007bcbb020
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:dwarf_virtual_unwind   rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000 rsp=00000000272effe0
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:dwarf_virtual_unwind    r8=00000000272efb50  r9=000000007bcbb030 r10=0000000000000000 r11=00007f520b7bd080
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:dwarf_virtual_unwind   r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000 r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
158434.379:0026:0037:trace:seh:RtlRestoreContext returning to 7bcbb020 stack 272efde0

After kill the Fallout4.exe process:

158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08941e0000 L"imm32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08941e0000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08951e0000 L"user32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08951e0000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f0895020000 L"version.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f0895020000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f0895050000 L"gdi32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f0895050000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08956e0000 L"rpcrt4.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08956e0000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f0895780000 L"ntoskrnl.exe",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f0895780000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08957e0000 L"advapi32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7f08957e0000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7b420000 L"KERNEL32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7b420000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7bc20000 L"ntdll.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.532:001e:001f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7bc20000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.535:000e:0020:trace:module:LdrShutdownThread ()
158890.535:000e:0020:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000 L"rpcrt4.dll",THREAD_DETACH,(nil)) - CALL
158890.535:000e:0020:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000,THREAD_DETACH,(nil)) - RETURN 1
158890.535:000e:0065:trace:module:LdrShutdownThread ()
158890.535:000e:0065:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000 L"rpcrt4.dll",THREAD_DETACH,(nil)) - CALL
158890.535:000e:0065:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000,THREAD_DETACH,(nil)) - RETURN 1
158890.536:000e:0010:trace:module:LdrShutdownThread ()
158890.536:000e:0010:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000 L"rpcrt4.dll",THREAD_DETACH,(nil)) - CALL
158890.536:000e:0010:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000,THREAD_DETACH,(nil)) - RETURN 1
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:LdrShutdownProcess ()
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666ab0000 L"userenv.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666ab0000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000 L"rpcrt4.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666b70000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666ad0000 L"advapi32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7fa666ad0000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7b420000 L"KERNEL32.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7b420000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7bc20000 L"ntdll.dll",PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - CALL
158890.709:000e:000f:trace:module:MODULE_InitDLL (0x7bc20000,PROCESS_DETACH,0x1) - RETURN 1
pid 21128 != 21127, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)

Tested reverting commit 1312c6642851d4a0c5de9a71c824800935f96691 in vanilla wine 3.16 as mentioned on this bug report: and it fixes the infinite loading on my threadripper system in both fallout 4 and skyrim se


Audio seems to be fine with the latest FAudio library, so hopefully this will be merged in future proton releases.

However, still mostly unplayable due to the mouse issue mentioned multiple times.
Jumps all over the place without adding bBackgroundMouse=1 to Fallout4Custom.ini.
But adding this setting, creates new problems with mouse capture, causing the mouse to leave the screen. Tried enabling both capture in full screen window and virtual desktop, and just either one enabled. Neither seem to fix the mouse leaving the screen or limiting movement.

When the mouse issue is properly fixed, this will be perfectly playable on my end.
Preferably a solution which doesn't involve the need for bBackgroundMouse.

@btn21 Care to share a workaround for FAudio?

For me, the 3.16 beta does not fix any of the existing out-of-the-box problems ( sound/mouse/networking ), but also introduces a regression, presumably in DXVK.

The new issue may ( or may not ) be the same as some other people have, which they describe as a "black line".

The issue occurs most of the time, but is occasionally not present. It is not, strictly speaking, a black line; rather, the screen is split into exact upper and lower halves, with each half being rendered differently.

The upper half appears to be rendered correctly, whereas the lower half does not render all the decals, and does not render some of the lighting, leaving it noticeably darker than the top half. If you move the camera so that a previously incorrectly rendered area is in the top half of the window, you can clearly see the difference.

Another aspect of the issue is that it also depends on the camera position; the issue is present when the camera is pointing towards the horizon, but if you move the camera view direction far enough towards either pole, the issue disappears. The issue may also be world-location dependent, as sometimes moving forward ( while looking at the horizon ) will cause the issue to disappear, but if you then turn round, looking back to where you came from, the issue is again present.

Edit: Would probably help to say this is with a 1070ti on an X79 motherboard, using the 396.54 drivers.

Edit 2: Full Steam Info, as requested.

Diamond city market showing the split-screen rendering, Note that it applies to the scene, but not to the foreground actor, so it is not related to screen tearing, before anyone suggests that!


Note the blue-painted floor below the center of the first image; moving the camera to position it above the center, in this second image clearly shows the difference in lighting.

Moving the camera direction down towards the floor, and the split-screen disappears,

Moving the camera direction up towards the sky, and the split-screen disappears,


Moving forward with the camera level with the horizon, sometimes the split-screen disappears...

... but look behind you and it is still present.

Hello @etonbears, please copy your system information from steam (Steam -> Help -> System Information) and put it in a gist, then include a link to the gist in this issue report.

I have the same issues, here is my System information:

Alkaris, other temporary fixes are 1) lowering your mouses polling rate (if you have gaming mouse) or 2) making the window run in virtual desktop sometimes fixes it.

I managed to get esp mods to work. Just had to create plugins.txt and populate it manually.

@Lejoni that's strange I'm still having issues installing them. What path are you using exactly for the Plugins.txt file ? Is it the /.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx prefix directory of Fallout 4 ? How did you populated them exactly ?

I had the "black line" half screen tearing issue described by @etonbears occurring pretty much all the time indoors. Changing 'bComputeShaderDeferredTiledLighting=1' to '0' in Fallout4Prefs.ini completely solved this issue for me at least.

File should be located in /path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/

All in all I've gotten the game to play just fine now, with only the minor audio hiccup occurring every now and then.

Things I've had to do to get the game working fine on my machine (fixes taken from this thread and various other sources online):

Installed xact:
WINEPREFIX=/path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx winetricks xact

Changed some winecfg settings:
WINEPREFIX='/path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx' winecfg

Under the "Graphics" tab:

  • Enabled "Automatically capture the mouse in full screen windows"
  • Enabled "Emulate virtual desktop" with resolution set to native monitor resolution.

Under the "Libraries" tab:

  • added overrides for 'xaudio2_6' and xaudio2_7' (setting these to 'native'. I had no/intermittent audio without this change)

Steam launch options:
Added "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=70 %command%" to launch options (I have horrible audio with lots of crackling without this parameter).

Added the following to Fallout4custom.ini

And the aforementioned change in Fallout4prefs.ini
Changed 'bComputeShaderDeferredTiledLighting=1' to '0'

One issue I still have is that the game "hangs" upon 'exit to desktop' from in-game. However, exiting to main menu first and THEN exiting the game is a fairly reliable workaround.

Full Steam info:

@Zoetrap got it some hours ago, appreciate the answer though. Cheers.

@etonbears @Zoetrap could one of you please upload a savegame at the location where the visual issue can be observed?

@doitsujin No savegame, but after some research it seems that the issue I had at least isn't strictly linux/proton related, and has affected Windows users too.

Found a YT video showing the issue:

From a fresh install I had to run the game once, then edit

/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Fallout4.ini

and add bBackgroundMouse=1 under the [Controls] section in order for the mouse fix to work.

For anyone willing to try, This is a custom version of Proton I've been working on:

Fallout 4, Skyrim SE, and the Script Extenders for both should work, as well as audio, without any fiddling (apart from the fallout 4 mouse config).

Place it in ~/.steam/compatabilitytools.d/, restart steam then select Proton-3.16-GE in the steam play drop down options.

Everything is on github:

It includes:
Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE patches
Ethan Lee's FAudio - no xaudio2_7 override necessary (override should be removed if you already have it set).

Various other patches:
Elite Dangerous Patch set
Path of Exile patch
SpinTires patch
Magic the Gathering Arena patch

It was compiled in a Debian Stable VM inside docker as per the Proton README.

@GloriousEggroll I'm testing Proton-3.16-GE but for me there is no audio at all, same as the normal proton without the xaudio2_7 override.

I deleted the $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx old folder before trying Proton-3.16-GE. Also, it seems less stable than the stock Proton (half of the time I started it it just got stuck on a black screen.

To avoid pollute this thread please consider enabling the issue tracker on your github page, so we can continue the discussion there.

@etonbears @Zoetrap could one of you please upload a savegame at the location where the visual issue can be observed?

If you like, but it is any/every game, with or without mods, even before being frozen in the vault.

The following image is directly before producing the attached save, which should be about as simple as it is possible to be.


As mods could cause errors and some of then make change on savegames that can't be reversed only by uninstall the problematic mod. I put some work to make a simple script to easy use the Fallrim on Linux. Hope it helps someone.


A reliable repro case for the sound stuttering on my system -- attach with gdb to Fallout 4 (gdb -p `pidof Fallout4.exe`), and after a moment, detach. Stuttering will be present from then on (even if the game is only displaying the title screen). When I do this suspend-and-resume with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60, on my system, the issue is less-severe, but can still be seen a bit.


Alkaris: Using ALSA (pure ALSA, not ALSA back to pulseaudio -- pasuspender used to suspend PulseAudio and confirming that paplay invocations block and that PulseAudio has no Fallout 4 audio stream), I see a bit of stuttering immediately after suspending and resuming Fallout 4 with gdb, and have seen it show up briefly/sporadically, but I have yet to see the persistent-stuttering-once-stuttering-starts in very limited testing. I was able to produce the "all sounds stop playing" issue with ALSA; unfortunately, I lack a reliable repro case for that.

With PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=120, I also was not able to produce persistent stuttering that I normally suffered after a gdb suspend and resume: there's just a short bit of stuttering after resume and then it stops. I have also not seen the "all sounds stop playing" issue yet under PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=120, either, but then, I have no reliable repro case, so that may be purely luck-of-the-draw.

With no PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC setting and running with PulseAudio, it's trivial for me to produce persistent stuttering with gdb, so 120 ms of buffer time seems to be at least a partial workaround.

I'll follow up if I can produce either persistent stuttering or all sounds cutting out with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=120, but if people can live with that much audio latency, it might be worth trying it as a workaround.

EDIT: Still haven't seen persistent stuttering with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=120. Managed to produce the sound cutting out with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=120. Loss of sound may be less-frequent, but it can definitely still show up.

With the last 3.16-5Beta of proton, the game freezes when it reaches the menu screen after the initial video. Supposedly, with this proton version that includes FAudio this game should work much better if I'm not mistaken.

Hello @leillo1975, please add PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to the game's launch options and drag and drop the generated $HOME/steam-$APPID.log into the comment box.

INFO: Assertion failed: 0 && "xWMA is not supported!" in the log hints that this might be from FAudio in Proton 3.16-5's lack of support for WMA.

There's some more info at ValveSoftware/wine#2 (comment).

Will this issue fixed in future versions of proton? I see that @flibitijibibo recomends to use system libraries instead of the Steam runtime's

For Ubuntu 18.04, Compiling FAudio with FFMpeg and Debug options gets past the lockup on the menu screen, but there is no spoken audio, presumably because of the following assertion:

Assertion failure at FAudio_FFMPEG_init (/home/roger/tmp/FAudio/src/FAudio_ffmpeg.c:83), triggered 1 time:
'0 && "WMAv2 codec not supported!"'


This behaviour is also observed in SkyrimSE, which uses roughly the same engine. Clearly, Proton will need FAudio compiled with WMA support eventually.

If you're getting no in-game audio dialogue from characters and radios its because you didn't add the DLL override in your winecfg for xaudio2_7 by adding this you should get full audio support as normal.

Of course, but the ultimate goal of SteamPlay/Proton is install and play, with no fixes and workarounds. We post this problems here to help the devs to conquer this objetive

There is no need of using winecfg.
Just use this on the game launch options.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%

I solved most audio issues of my games with this...
Including the typical cracky audio after several hours of gameplay. (Prey, Murdered: Soul Suspect and Borderlands, for example)

I want to try the new Proton, but I am waiting for the new Nvidia PPA drivers.. ¬¬

I want to try the new Proton, but I am waiting for the new Nvidia PPA drivers.. ¬¬

Nvidia 415.23 driver are in the Ubuntu PPA now:

Ahhhh.... the command you use in Launch option works fine

Fallout 4 keeps freezing for me at random intervals.


System Specs:

EDIT: Update
Copying the FAudio dlls, as suggested in the ProtonDB entry for this game, has stopped these random freezes for me.

Anyone knows how to solve this graphics issue ? It seems that it is related to lighting.

Fresh install of Fallout 4, STEAM set to use Proton 3.16-6 Beta. No sound at all in main menu, video has sound, and character creation only sound I can hear is the shower, no voice or music.

@BloodyIron You need to build FAudio yourself and replace the* provided by Proton (iirc because WMA support can't be added due to license issues).

Just run

git clone git:// && cd FAudio && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DXNASONG=OFF -DFFMPEG=ON && make

and than copy, and inside the folder /dist/lib64/ of your proton installation (eg. <Your Steam Dir>/steamapps/common/Proton\ 4.2\ Beta/dist/lib64).
