ValveSoftware / Dota-2

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When a game starts, game prevents Alt-Tab switching to other windows

NoMore201 opened this issue · comments

Your system information

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

When navigating the main menu, waiting for a game, Alt-Tab works as expected. As soon as a game starts, switching to other windows using Alt-Tab becomes almost impossible. It seems like the game windows wants to be all the time in the foreground, preventing the switch to other windows. This is particularly evident during picking phase, while it softens during the game.

Other thing I noticed is that it doesn't happen with Demo mode or custom lobby, only with ranked/unranked games.

Some additional information about system

  • Fedora 40 KDE (Wayland)
  • KDE Plasma 6.1.1
  • Nvidia driver 555.58
  • Linux 6.9.6

Steps for reproducing this issue:

  1. Start a unranked/ranked all pick game
  2. During pick phase, start Alt-Tabbing to switch windows
  3. Check if game is preventing switch to other windows

Did you try change the window mode to borderless window?