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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool not working with enabled --blacklist russia-blacklist.txt

titemov opened this issue · comments

Operating system / операционная система

Windows 10 22H2

Running as service / Запуск программы как сервис

I run it as a regular program / Запускаю программу обычным образом

Describe the bug / Опишите ошибку программы

with "--blacklist \russia-blacklist.txt" argument soundcloud does not work, meanwhile without --blacklist it works perfecrly fine. I guess there is hostname somehow related to soundcloud in this list, but I cannot found it. I wish you can help me or tell me what am I doing wrong. Thanks!

Additional information / Дополнительная информация

Not working here (with blacklist):
Working here (without blacklist):

Just send you an email at

I guess there is hostname somehow related to soundcloud in this list, but I cannot found it

Well, is there domain in the list?

I had the same thought when i first ran into the problem. I was trying find some and it didnt workout: there is no matches. I tried to find "" "sndcld" "snd" "soundcloud" and no mathces. I guess there is some hosting services name that is blocked like cloudfare or smth

Well, what's the issue then? Just add it to the list.