VainF / DeepLabV3Plus-Pytorch

Pretrained DeepLabv3 and DeepLabv3+ for Pascal VOC & Cityscapes

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MIOU effect on the dataset

Chihanxx opened this issue · comments

Hello Author.
I use resnet101 as the backbone of the network and use it to train on cityscapes dataset, the miu metric I get is only 73.4, which is much worse than the 76.2 you mentioned. Is there something wrong with me?
The following is my training code.

python --model deeplabv3plus_resnet101 --dataset cityscapes --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0,1 --lr 0.1 --crop_size 768 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --data_root ./datasets/data/cityscapes