VahidN / DNTCaptcha.Core

DNTCaptcha.Core is a captcha generator and validator for ASP.NET Core applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

didnt work on linux

smsrezaei opened this issue · comments

Summary of the issue

didnt work on linux


DNTCaptcha.Core version: 4.7.1
.NET Core SDK version: 6
IDE: vs

Example code/Steps to reproduce:

paste your core code

Output: "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'asset')",

Exception message:"Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'asset')"
Full Stack trace:
"   at SkiaSharp.HarfBuzz.BlobExtensions.ToHarfBuzzBlob(SKStreamAsset asset)\n   at SkiaSharp.HarfBuzz.SKShaper..ctor(SKTypeface typeface)\n   at DNTCaptcha.Core.CaptchaImageProvider.DrawCaptcha(String text, String foreColor, String backColor, Single fontSize, String fontName) in D:\\a\\DNTCaptcha.Core\\DNTCaptcha.Core\\src\\DNTCaptcha.Core\\CaptchaImageProvider.cs:line 44\n   at Presentation.Controllers.AccountController.LoginRequest(CancellationToken ct) in D:\\repos\\thunderbackendframework\\ThunderBackendFramework\\Presentation\\Controllers\\AccountController.cs:line 77",