VahidN / DNTCaptcha.Core

DNTCaptcha.Core is a captcha generator and validator for ASP.NET Core applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NET 6 , non-windows enviroment

dzambo2302 opened this issue · comments

Summary of the issue

Since NET 6 Microsoft dropped support of libgdiplus on linux-based platforms, which means System.Drawing.Common only supported on Windows. That means your amazing captcha is able to run only on Windows. Are there any plans to drop System.Drawing.Common and implement one of Microsoft recommended (ImageSharp, SkiaSharp, Microsoft.Maui.Graphics) ?

Thank you.

Microsoft statement from docs:


Every non-windows

DNTCaptcha.Core version:  every
.NET Core SDK version: NET 6

They don't support right-to-left languages.

Try V4.3.0 with this NuGet.config file.

Vahid you are the best, it works perfectly!
Thank you!