VagishVela / ChitChat

A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Continuing development for ChitChat?

VagishVela opened this issue · comments

I've noticed that this repo and aren't being updated anymore.

Did people want this app to have continued development? I also have a issue for this on stonesam92/ChitChat/issues/149

Yes, I’d really like to see some progress and a continued development here in the future :)
ChitChat has some advantages over other tools!
Eg it’s based on Safari. This is a huge benefit, at least for me, since I’m using a 2010 MBP and struggling with a integrated Nvidia graphics. Chrome and apps based on it always trigger this graphic. ChitChat runs seamlessly on the integrated graphics!

WhatsApp’s own client unfortunately is also Chrome-based…

Thanks to all participants here, also in advance ;)

@maciboy I only recently realized how much of a battery hog that chrome is, so I can see the benefits for those out and about to save battery.


I'm still here ... but having not so much time at the moment ... and the most things are working for me ...

@c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-r Didn't know you were still working on this, it seemed to have gone quiet a couple of months ago. But thought it might be time to revive this baby!

@c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-r Are you able to do the releases or does @Neo11 have to do them?


i think @Neo11 have to add me to the Developer Team so i can compile release!

@c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-r On ChitChat? Also why are we not pushing this to the AppStore, are we not allowed to? Or is it that we never tried? It might get a more streamlined adoption for this app.


I have no time to spend on the issues. But i can build new releases, if someone else fixes the issues.


Hey @Neo11 , my Mailclient couldn't deliver mail to you ...
Could you please make a release? Fixed some things...

And could you add me into your dev account as team member for chitchat so ich can make releases too? (then i can compile under your team id)


New Release already here:
Only need to update appcast


Super! Thanks


@c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-r Don't know if this is possible. Have no payed Developer Account. So don't know where to add people...


@Neo11 ah ok ... so i can just compile a release myself .. good to know 👍


All working now ... so cloesd