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Clojure refactoring commands are broken

jbullers opened this issue · comments

Bug description

Refactoring commands in Clojure mode don't work. For example, trying to add a missing import by typing , r a l gives the following error:

Error: command 'calva.refactor.addMissingLibspec' not found

To Reproduce

  1. Have the Calva extension installed
  2. Open a Clojure source file
  3. , r to enter the refactoring menu
  4. Any choice from there is broken

Expected behavior

From what I can tell, this should be just a find-and-replace. According to the Calva documentation, the commands are prefixed with clojureLsp.refactoring instead of calva.refactoring. Taking the example above, the command should be clojureLsp.refactor.addMissingLibspec

Good catch! Would you mind submitting a PR for this? Since I don't really use Clojure, it would be hard for to test.

Sure, I'll give it a go in the next week or so

I'm a little stumped. I run VS Code with my project in WSL Ubuntu. When I launch the extension via debug, it tells me:

Cannot activate the 'VSpaceCode' extension because it depends on the 'Which Key' extension, which is not loaded. Would you like to reload the window to load the extension?

Reloading doesn't change anything, yet I see 'Which Key' listed in my extensions.

Depending how you are running your setup. I think you may need to install which-key in the remote. There are two ways extension works

  1. Extensions are installed in the the host
  2. Extensions are installed in the remote

I assumed you set up VSpaceCode project in your remote; hence, when it is launching, it is running in the remote and require which-key to be install in the remote as well.

Hmm... Usually, plugins show in "local" and give an option to install in WSL. When I run the VSpaceCode extension, it still shows in "local", as does 'Which Key'. I don't see any option to install 'Which Key' in WSL as well. I'll try and figure something out. As you can probably tell, I've never done any work with extensions before 😄

I haven't done that in a while. I remembered running/testing extension in the remote is a little bit tricky.