VSpaceCode / VSpaceCode

Spacemacs like keybindings for Visual Studio Code

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`SPC b b` (show all buffers) input bar shows some prefilled text `edt mru `

concretevitamin opened this issue · comments

Bug description

SPC b b (show all buffers) brings up an input bar for user to search through buffers, and the bar shows some prefilled text edt mru .

This does not appear to affect search results, albeit surprising to see.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior

Input bar without any characters in it.


Additional context


Click to toggle contents of `keybindings.json`

// Copy paste the content of your keybindings.json file here.


Click to toggle contents of `settings.json`

// Copy paste the content of your settings.json file here.

System information

This is just VS Code behavior, nothing to do with this extension.

If you run SPC SPC (or Ctrl-Shift-P with vanilla VS Code), and run the "View: Show All Editors By Most Recently Used" command, you'll end up with exactly the same prompt (and, as an aside, even the command palette has the input prefilled with a > too).