[missing input argment]
GustavoMourao opened this issue · comments
Line 23 in 2b9fae1
Please, add:
help="Type of architecture to use. Can be one of: (utae/unet3d/fpn/convlstm/convgru/uconvlstm/buconvlstm)",
Since we'll get this error:
AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'model'
However, after this, the code is fixed. However, I'm getting this error message:
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for UTAE:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "in_conv.conv.conv.0.weight", "in_conv.conv.conv.0.bias", "in_conv.conv.conv.1.weight", "in_conv.conv.conv.1.bias", "in_conv.conv.conv.3.weight", "in_conv.conv.conv.3.bias", "in_conv.conv.conv.4.weight",...
@VSainteuf , please, at script test_semantic.py
, also add:
parser.add_argument("--ignore_index", default=-1, type=int)
Its missing this parser, as well
I have found why this behavior is occurring:
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for UTAE:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "in_conv.conv.conv.0.weight", "in_conv.conv.conv.0.bias", "in_conv.conv.conv.1.weight", "in_conv.conv.conv.1.bias", "in_conv.conv.conv.3.weight", "in_conv.conv.conv.3.bias", "in_conv.conv.conv.4.weight",...
Since this condition:
if (
epoch > config.warmup
and epoch % config.val_every == 0
and epoch > config.val_after
those parameters have to follow this statement (why?):
!python utae-paps/train_panoptic.py \
--fold 2 \
--batch_size 2 \
--epochs 10 \
--dataset_folder PASTIS/ \
--res_dir OUT_DIR \
--device cuda \
--val_after 5 \
--val_every 5
Hi @GustavoMourao,
I do not have the same errors for the test_semantic.py script as you.
Did you maybe alter the conf.json
file in the model weights folder ? This json stores the configuration used for training, and a lot of variables in test_semantic.py are set based on this file. That would explain the bugs you observed.