VPanjeta / ModiScript

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Support for windows !

LitHaxor opened this issue · comments

In Linux it's showing error ! MODI Command not found . I've exported $path
Also add support for poor windows nibbas

Hi @LitHaxor

Can you provide the exact line for PATH that you're adding to your bashrc file so we can have a look and help you debug a little bit better? Also make sure the following steps are taken care of:

  1. Check if you have changed the path properly based on where the MODI file is located in your local machine.
  2. After doing the above, make sure you type source ~/.bashrc in any active terminal window open to reload path variable and try typing MODI then, otherwise it'll keep on working with the older PATH unless you restart your machine as PATH is only initialized on boot up.
  3. One more thing to keep in mind is, while initializing PATH environment variable, make sure PATH is in capital letters (I mean the environment variable name, as suggested in the installation steps), in some versions of Linux based OS' environment variables are case sensitive.

Coming to windows support, files were written keeping *nix OS systems in mind. It's doable on windows as well but you'll need to create batch files or convert the project to a windows executable. The former seems easier at this point but we don't have any plans to add support for windows for now. In any case, if someone can write batch files or compile the project into a windows executable then we'll happily accept PR for the same.

I guess I did wrong to adding env path

OK so it looks like you're adding the path stating that ModiScript folder is in root directory but I don't think that should be the case as most terminal windows open inside user ~ by default. So you can try the following steps and that should mostly fix the issue:

  1. cd inside the ModiScript folder and type ls. Make sure MODI file is present in the result.
  2. Type pwd (for Linux) to get the current working directory. It will most likely be of the format /home/<username>/ModiScript or /home/<username>/folder1/folder2/ModiScript
  3. Copy the entire path in the result of the above command and paste it as a path to ModiScript in the bashrc file as export PATH=$PATH:/home/<username>/ModiScript and then save the file. Also the PATH environment variable should contain absolute paths, which is why we're adding the absolute path in this case.
  4. Type source ~/.bashrc and type MODI to test.

If you're still facing the same issue after these steps you can paste the result of ls inside ModiScript folder along with the result of pwd in the same folder and the path you added in bashrc after this. That will help us understand the issue better.