UsmannK / TABOR

Implementation of TABOR: A Highly Accurate Approach to Inspecting and Restoring Trojan Backdoors in AI Systems (

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tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Incompatible shapes: [9,43] vs. [32,43]

linzhijianhhh opened this issue · comments

Dear author, I encountered a problem while executing the code of has been trained and the environment configuration is configured as required.
Appreciate your help.


It may be a problem about the size of your dataset, which is divisible by 32 with a remainder of 9.


194 for idx in trange(ceil(len(x)/32)):
use int function to replace ceil function.
194 for idx in trange(int(len(x)/32)):

So sorry, I somehow never saw this. I think it is due to your image size, are you using 32x32 images?