Urtaq / URWeatherView

Show the weather effects onto view written in Swift4.2

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Getting crashed when Cloud and rain works together

aaasifrz9 opened this issue · comments


I tried to use cloud and rain together with full limit in the sample. After some time, the app got crashed.
Memory increases from 19MB to 600+MB and CPU also increases from 10% to 100%.

I think cloud object is not destroying as shown in attached screenshot.

Please, how to handle it.
Thanks in advance.



I think it'll be faster found the solution or bug, if you show your source codes to me.
Could you show your codes?

I doesn't change any code. I am using provided URWeatherView sample. After run, I set progress bar to max for cloud and rain. Then I got crashed.


O.K. I'll check it out.
It might be the problem of the sample app, because I didn't intend to show over two weather effects together in the sample.