Urigo / graphql-cli

📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows

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Dependency Dashboard

renovate opened this issue · comments

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @material-ui/core Available
npm @types/fullname Unavailable
npm @types/rimraf Unavailable
npm tslint Unavailable


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.

  • fix(deps): replace dependency @material-ui/core with @mui/material
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/js-yaml to v3.12.10
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/tmp to v0.2.6
  • chore(deps): update react monorepo (@types/react, @types/react-dom)
  • fix(deps): update dependency @material-ui/core to v4.12.4
  • fix(deps): update dependency @types/cors to v2.8.17
  • fix(deps): update dependency @types/node to v13.13.52
  • fix(deps): update dependency @types/yargs to v15.0.19
  • fix(deps): update dependency styled-components to v5.3.11
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v14.18.63
  • chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.8.8
  • fix(deps): update dependency @graphql-tools/load-files to v6.6.1
  • fix(deps): update dependency @guild-docs/algolia to v0.2.2
  • fix(deps): update dependency apollo-server-express to v2.26.2
  • fix(deps): update dependency express to v4.21.0 (express, @types/express)
  • fix(deps): update dependency graphql to v15.9.0
  • fix(deps): update dependency pg to v8.13.0
  • fix(deps): update dependency tslib to v2.7.0
  • fix(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.9.5
  • chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4
  • chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/fullname to v4
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/inquirer to v9
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/rimraf to v4
  • chore(deps): update dependency ava to v6
  • chore(deps): update dependency execa to v9
  • chore(deps): update dependency husky to v9
  • chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v15
  • chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3
  • chore(deps): update dependency react-scripts to v5
  • chore(deps): update node.js to v20 (node, @types/node)
  • chore(deps): update postgres docker tag to v16
  • chore(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (major) (@types/react, @types/react-dom, react, react-dom)
  • fix(deps): update dependency chalk to v5
  • fix(deps): update dependency clsx to v2
  • fix(deps): update dependency cosmiconfig to v9
  • fix(deps): update dependency fs-extra to v11 (fs-extra, @types/fs-extra)
  • fix(deps): update dependency fullname to v5
  • fix(deps): update dependency globby to v14
  • fix(deps): update dependency graphql to v16
  • fix(deps): update dependency graphql-config to v5
  • fix(deps): update dependency inquirer to v11
  • fix(deps): update dependency latest-version to v9
  • fix(deps): update dependency log-symbols to v7
  • fix(deps): update dependency open to v10
  • fix(deps): update dependency openapi-to-graphql to v3
  • fix(deps): update dependency ora to v8
  • fix(deps): update dependency rimraf to v6
  • fix(deps): update dependency styled-components to v6
  • fix(deps): update dependency ts-node-dev to v2
  • fix(deps): update dependency typescript to v5
  • fix(deps): update docusaurus monorepo to v3 (major) (@docusaurus/core, @docusaurus/preset-classic)
  • 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.

Other Branches

These updates are pending. To force PRs open, click the checkbox below.

  • fix(deps): update dependency cross-fetch to v3.1.5 [security]


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • postgres 9.6
  • node 10
  • actions/checkout v3
  • actions/setup-node v3
  • marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment v2
  • actions/checkout v3
  • actions/setup-node v3
  • EndBug/add-and-commit v9
  • actions/checkout v2
  • actions/checkout v2
  • actions/setup-node v2
  • actions/checkout v2
  • actions/setup-node v2
  • actions/checkout v2
  • actions/setup-node v2
  • log-symbols 4.1.0
  • tslib 2.3.1
  • ava 3.15.0
  • execa 5.1.1
  • @graphql-tools/load-files 6.5.2
  • @types/node 13.13.45
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • graphql-config 3.4.1
  • graphql-tag 2.12.6
  • @graphql-codegen/add 2.0.2
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript 1.23.0
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations 1.18.4
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo 2.3.1
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers 1.20.0
  • @graphql-cli/codegen 1.17.27
  • @graphql-cli/coverage 2.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/diff 2.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/generate 4.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/serve 4.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/similar 2.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/validate 2.1.0
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • graphql-cli 4.1.0
  • tslint 6.1.3
  • typescript 4.4.4
  • @types/yargs 15.0.14
  • @graphql-tools/load 6.2.8
  • @types/express 4.17.13
  • @types/fs-extra 9.0.13
  • @types/fullname 2.1.29
  • @types/inquirer 7.3.3
  • @types/js-yaml 3.12.7
  • @types/node 14.17.33
  • @types/rimraf 3.0.2
  • @types/tmp 0.2.2
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • husky 4.3.8
  • lerna 3.22.1
  • lint-staged 10.5.4
  • prettier 2.4.1
  • rimraf 3.0.2
  • ts-node 9.1.1
  • typescript 4.4.4
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • globby ^11.0.2
  • graphql-config ^3.2.0
  • open ^7.4.2
  • yargs ^16.2.0
  • graphback-cli 1.1.2
  • tslib 2.3.1
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • chalk ^4.1.0
  • cosmiconfig ^7.0.0
  • create-graphback ^1.1.2
  • cross-fetch ^3.0.6
  • fs-extra ^9.1.0
  • fullname ^4.0.1
  • graphql ^15.5.0
  • inquirer 7.3.3
  • js-yaml ^3.14.1
  • latest-version ^5.1.0
  • openapi-to-graphql ^2.2.6
  • ora ^5.3.0
  • rimraf ^3.0.2
  • simple-git ^2.36.1
  • string-env-interpolation ^1.0.1
  • tmp ^0.2.1
  • tslib ~2.3.0
  • graphql-serve ^1.1.2
  • tslib ~2.3.0
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • @graphql-tools/load ^7.1.6
  • tslib ^2.3.1
  • graphql-config 3.4.1
  • yargs 16.2.0
  • @graphql-tools/apollo-engine-loader ^7.0.4
  • @graphql-tools/code-file-loader ^7.0.4
  • @graphql-tools/git-loader ^7.0.4
  • @graphql-tools/github-loader ^7.0.4
  • @graphql-tools/prisma-loader ^7.0.5
  • @graphql-tools/url-loader ^7.0.10
  • @graphql-tools/utils ^8.1.1
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • @apollo/react-common 3.1.4
  • @apollo/react-hooks 3.1.5
  • @material-ui/core 4.12.3
  • apollo-boost 0.4.9
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • react 17.0.2
  • react-dom 17.0.2
  • @types/jest 26.0.24
  • @types/node 13.13.45
  • @types/react 17.0.34
  • @types/react-dom 17.0.11
  • react-scripts 4.0.3
  • typescript 4.4.4
  • @graphql-codegen/add 2.0.2
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript 1.23.0
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations 1.18.4
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo 2.3.1
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers 1.20.0
  • @graphql-cli/codegen 1.17.27
  • @graphql-cli/coverage 2.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/diff 2.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/generate 4.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/serve 4.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/similar 2.1.0
  • @graphql-cli/validate 2.1.0
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • graphql-cli 4.1.0
  • schemats 3.0.3
  • tslint 6.1.3
  • typescript 4.4.4
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • graphback 1.1.2
  • @graphback/runtime-knex 1.1.2
  • @graphback/codegen-schema 1.1.2
  • graphql-migrations 1.1.2
  • @graphql-tools/load-files 6.5.2
  • @types/cors 2.8.12
  • @types/express 4.17.13
  • @types/node 13.13.45
  • apollo-server-express 2.25.3
  • cors 2.8.5
  • express 4.17.1
  • graphql 15.7.2
  • graphql-config 3.4.1
  • graphql-tag 2.12.6
  • knex 0.95.14
  • pg 8.7.1
  • ts-node 9.1.1
  • ts-node-dev 1.1.8
  • typescript 4.4.4
  • @docusaurus/core ^2.0.0-beta.0
  • @guild-docs/algolia 0.0.6-alpha-1bcf597.0
  • @docusaurus/preset-classic ^2.0.0-beta.0
  • clsx ^1.1.1
  • react ^17.0.0
  • react-dom ^17.0.0
  • styled-components 5.3.3
  • the-guild-components 1.5.3

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository