EMPANADA is a tool for evidence-based assignment of genes to pathways in metagenomic data, developed and maintained by the Borenstein group at the University of Washington.
EMPANADA is available as a Python module from GitHub or PyPI (see installation instructions below)
EMPANADA is distributed under a non-commercial license (see LICENSE).
Prerequisites for installing:
In order for EMPANADA to run successfully, the following Python modules should be pre-installed on your system:
- Numpy >= 1.6.1 (http://www.numpy.org/)
- Pandas >= 0.14 (http://pandas.pydata.org/)
If you have pip installed, you can install these packages by running the following command:
pip install -U numpy pandas
Installing EMPANADA:
To install EMPANADA, download the package from https://github.com/borenstein-lab/empanada/archive/0.0.1.tar.gz
After downloading EMPANADA, you’ll need to unzip the file. If you’ve downloaded the release version, do this with the following command:
tar -xzf empanada-0.0.1.tar.gz
You’ll then change into the new EMPANADA directory as follows:
cd empanada-0.0.1
and install using the following command:
python setup.py install
ALTERNATIVELY, you can install EMPANADA directly from PyPI by running:
pip install -U empanada
After downloading and installing the software, we recommend testing it by running the following command:
This will invoke a series of tests. A correct output should end with:
Ran 1 tests in X.XXXXs
The EMPANADA module handles all calculations internally. EMPANADA offers an interface to the EMPANADA functionality via the command line and the run_empanada script.
run_empanada.py -ko KO_ABUNDANCE_FILE -ko2path KO_TO_PATHWAY_FILE [options]
- Input KO abundance file to aggregate to pathway abundance
- Input file of KO-to-pathway mapping
- -h, --help
- show help message and exit
- -o, --output,
- Output file for resulting pathway abundance (default: out.tab)
- -oc, --output_counts,
- Output file for number of KOs mapped to each pathway (default: counts.tab)
- -om, --output_mapping,
- Output the mapping table (either given or generated) to file, works only with pooled mappings (default: mapping.tab)
- -map {naive, by_support, by_sum_abundance, by_avg_abundance}, --mapping_method {naive, by_support, by_sum_abundance, by_avg_abundance}
- Method to map KOs to Pathway (default: naive)
- -compute {sum}, --compute_method {sum}
- Method to compute pathway abundance from mapped KOs (default: sum)
- -threshold, --abundance_threshold
- Abundance threshold to include KOs (default: 0.0)
- -fraction, --fractional_ko_contribution
- Divide KO contributions such that they sum to 1 for each KO (default: False)
- -remove_ko_with_no_pathway
- Remove KOs with no pathway from analysis (default: False)
- -remove_ko_with_no_abundance_measurement
- Remove KOs with no measurements in the abundance table from analysis (default: False)
- -transpose_ko, --transpose_ko_abundance
- Transpose the ko abundance matrix given (default: False)
- -transpose_output, --transpose_output
- Transpose the output pathway abundance matrix (default: False)
- -permute_ko_mapping
- Permute the given KO mapping, i.e., which KO map to which pathways for hypothesis testing (default: False)
- -use_only_non_overlapping_genes
- If the mapping is by_abundance, compute pathway support by only using non-overlapping genes (default: False)
- -pool_samples_use_median
- If the mapping is by_abundance, pool samples together using the median KO abundance, and learn the mapping only once (default: False)
- -pool_samples_use_average
- If the mapping is by_abundance, pool samples together using the average KO abundance, and learn the mapping only once (default: False)
- -leave_one_ko_out_pathway_support
- If the mapping is by_abundance, compute pathway support for each KO separately by removing it from the computation (default: False)
- -compute_support_with_weighted_double_counting
- If the mapping is by_abundance, double count KO abundance (weighted by mapping) when computing pathway support (default: False)
- -v, --verbose
- Increase verbosity of module (default: False)
In the empanada/examples directory, the file simulated_ko_relative_abundance.tab contains simulated KO abundance measurements of 20 samples. Using this file as input for EMPANADA results in the following files:
- pathway_abundance_empanada.tab
The command used are the following (via command line):
run_empanada.py -ko examples/simulated_ko_relative_abundance.tab -ko2path data/KOvsPATHWAY_BACTERIAL_KEGG_2013_07_15.tab -o examples/pathway_abundance_empanada.tab -threshold 0 -map by_avg_abundance -fraction -leave_one_ko_out_pathway_support -use_only_non_overlapping_genes
If you use the EMPANADA software, please cite the following paper:
Functional variability in the human microbiome: More than meets the eye Ohad Manor and Elhanan Borenstein. In preparation