UnrealFar / Matrix

Solve matrices in Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Evaluate matrix expressions in Python.

Run the program

  • Windows
python matrix.py
  • Mac/Linux
python3 matrix.py

Commands and Usage

Create matrix:

*Enter name*: {name_of_matrix}
*Enter order*: mxn
*Enter row 1*: [a(1,1) a(1, 2) ... a(1, n)]
*Enter row m* 

Display matrix:

DISPLAY MATRIX {name_of_matrix}

Index matrix:

INDEX MATRIX {name_of_matrix} x(int) y(int)

Evaluate matrix expressions:

EVAL {expression}

Add matrices:


Subtract matrices:


Multiply matrices:


Transpose of matrix:


here, B becomes the transpose matrix of A


  • What is a matrix?

Matrices are an ordered rectangular array of numbers(real or complex) or functions arranged into rows and columns. Example:

A = ┏1 2 3┓
    ┃4 5 6┃
    ┗7 8 9┛

The horizontal lines are called rows and the vertical lines are called columns. Matrices are always represented usign capital letter. Matrices are represented by square or simple brackets. A matrix of order mxn is represented as A = [aᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ.

  • What is the order of matrix?

It gives use the number of rows and columns of a matrix. For a matrix of m rows and n columns, its order is mxn and is read as m by n

  • What is the logic for matrix addition?

For two matrices A = [aᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ and B = [bᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ, A + B = [aᵢⱼ + bᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ Order of both matrices should be the same

  • What is the logic for matrix subtraction?

For two matrices A = [aᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ and B = [bᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ, A - B = [aᵢⱼ - bᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ Order of both matrices should be the same

  • What is the logic for matrix multiplication?

For two matrices A = [aᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ and B = [bⱼₖ]ₙₓₚ, A x B = C Here, C = [cᵢₖ]ₘₓₚ where cᵢₖ is sum of product of iᵗʰ row of A and kᵗʰ column of B Number of columns of A should be the same as number of rows of B [n = n]

  • What is the transpose of a matrix?

The transpose of a matrix can be obtaiend by interchainging rows and columns of a matrix. For a matrix A = [aᵢⱼ]ₘₓₙ, its transpose is A' = [aⱼᵢ]ₙₓₘ. For example,

A =  ┏1 2 3┓
     ┃4 5 6┃
     ┗7 8 9┛


A' = ┏1 4 7┓
     ┃2 5 8┃
     ┗3 6 9┛


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Solve matrices in Python

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%