UnnoTed / fileb0x

a better customizable tool to embed files in go; also update embedded files remotely without restarting the server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go complains about unused variables

ishehadeh opened this issue · comments

When compiling my main file, which imports a file generated with fileb0x, go finds err f rb and r to be "declared but not used". The only way I found to fix this was to manually delete the variables from inside the generated file.

Same problem

Hey, can you provide the config file that you're using?


hey @UnnoTed, I actually encountered this today using the following very simple (just started trying out fileb0x) repo here.

It seems to be related (in my case) to spread which was enabled in the echo portion of the tutorial. I just wrote mine off as I'm probably doing something wrong with the config, and I'm fine not using split mode, but I'd definitely like to know if I'm doing something wrong!

Fixed the unused err but couldn't get the f, rb and r to be unused.


@UnnoTed sorry, I should have clarified, I was only able to get the err to reproduce. Was my config valid then?

@fernferret Don't worry, It is valid, I said that i couldn't get the other vars because of OP's issue.