Unidata / siphon

Siphon - A collection of Python utilities for retrieving atmospheric and oceanic data from remote sources, focusing on being able to retrieve data from Unidata data technologies, such as the THREDDS data server.

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Datasets in nested catalogs have empty access_urls

tdrwenski opened this issue · comments

When a catalog has a simple dataset like:

  <dataset name="Test Grid Dataset Services" ID="gridDatasetServices" urlPath="localContent/testData.nc" dataType="Grid"/>

Running the code from the thredds default_viewer.ipynb results in a list of services like:

> list(ds.access_urls)

However, putting the same dataset not the main catalog, but instead a catalog linked through a catalogRef leads to an empty list ofaccess_urls. I think this may be a Siphon issue not a thredds issue because the services are correctly listed in both cases in the thredds html/xml.

Additional notes:

  • same problem exists whether you explicitly add services or use the gridServices like in the example above
  • problem does not exist for featureCollections or datasetScans like we mostly have on our thredds servers