Unidata / siphon

Siphon - A collection of Python utilities for retrieving atmospheric and oceanic data from remote sources, focusing on being able to retrieve data from Unidata data technologies, such as the THREDDS data server.

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filter_time_nearest : TypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

captcha1 opened this issue · comments

import datetime
import pytz

tz0 = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
time0 = tz0.localize(datetime.datetime.now())

#OK#time0 = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

stn0 = 'KMUX'
nexrad2 = 'https://thredds-test.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/nexrad/level2/{stn}/{date:%Y%m%d}/catalog.xml'

import siphon.catalog

tdscat1 = siphon.catalog.TDSCatalog(nexrad2.format(stn=stn0, date=time0))
tds1 = tdscat1.datasets.filter_time_nearest(time0)


Outputs :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/filter_time_nearest-bug.py", line 15, in <module>
    tds1 = tdscat1.datasets.filter_time_nearest(time0)
  File "$p/lib/python3.10/site-packages/siphon/catalog.py", line 114, in filter_time_nearest
    return min(self._get_datasets_with_times(regex, strptime),
  File "$p/lib/python3.10/site-packages/siphon/catalog.py", line 115, in <lambda>
    key=lambda i: abs((i[0] - time).total_seconds()))[-1]
TypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

This will fix it :

--- catalog.py-orig     2020-10-28 00:25:15.000000000 -0700
+++ catalog.py  2022-02-11 23:45:07.145859536 -0800
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 from collections import OrderedDict
 from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import timezone
 import logging
 import re
 import warnings
@@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
             The value with a time closest to that desired
+        time = time.astimezone(timezone.utc)
+        time = time.replace(tzinfo=None)
         return min(self._get_datasets_with_times(regex, strptime),
                    key=lambda i: abs((i[0] - time).total_seconds()))[-1]

Dunno if this is the "best" fix or if it fixes similar problems.

Also, in my code, I do : nexrad2.format(stn=stn0, date=time0) ... so that "time0" has to be UTC as well, so I might as well put the astimezone(timezone.utc) in my code anyway ...

I appreciate you running down the fix. The problem is that this function really has to be kind of naive. We really have no idea what the timezone is for the times encoded in the dataset filenames. One would hope they're in UTC, but neither Siphon nor the TDS can enforce this (they're just the filenames on disk). So the simplest API is to have the user submit time as a timezone-less datetime that matches the native timezone for the datasets.

I'm open to suggestions on robust ways to improve this, but unfortunately the problem we're trying to solve is pretty unconstrained.