Unidata / siphon

Siphon - A collection of Python utilities for retrieving atmospheric and oceanic data from remote sources, focusing on being able to retrieve data from Unidata data technologies, such as the THREDDS data server.

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Importing siphon.catalog messes up logging

hcholm opened this issue · comments

catalog.py configures logging on import, overriding any logging config set up by the client.

This line should be removed:


I haven't looked for similar cases in other parts of the code.

I see that logging.basicConfig is being called in a lot of imports. A workaround example:

import logging
from siphon.catalog import Dataset, TDSCatalog
from siphon.ncss import NCSS
import importlib

Hi, I ran into this issue as well recently.

import logging
from siphon.catalog import TDSCatalog

FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(clientip)-15s %(user)-8s %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.warning("Test This")

Will not work when TDSCatalog is imported.