Unidata / netcdf-fortran

Official GitHub repository for netCDF-Fortran libraries, which depend on the netCDF C library. Install the netCDF C library first.

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Can't open module file 'netcdf.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory

devineniraghava opened this issue · comments

Dear Unidata community,

I am trying to install a software called PALM https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/install which works with NetCDF data. When installing this software i get the following error:

USE netcdf, &
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'netcdf.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory

I tried to contact the PALM team also regarding this error. I am new to working with NetCDF or PALM. But if you have any idea where the problem could be please help me.

I also attach the full log file for PALM installation

Kind regards,

Do you have netcdf-fortran installed? If so, do you know where? And is that location being communicated to the PALM build system?

I don't believe this is a netcdf-fortran issue...