Unidata / netcdf-cxx4

Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C++ libraries and utilities.

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Conan Package

aosterthun opened this issue · comments

Hello there,

I'm currently working with netcdf-cxx4 in a project. Everything works great so far. I also started to look into DevOps tools for c++ recently, and started to use Conan to manage my c++ dependencies. I figure I can't be the only one who would really like there to be an official Conan package.

I tried creating a package myself, but couldn't get it to work. I had struggles getting netcdf-cxx4 to link to hdf inside the conanfile.py. I then found this repository: conan-netcdf-cxx4, but I could not get that to work either.

I would of course be open to work on this as well. I was already able to create hdf5 and netcdf-c conan packages. So I could provide those.

Hello, Sorry for the delayed response! I'm unfamiliar with conan, but will read up on it. If you wanted to submit a PR it would be welcome, but I understand you might not have time for that. In the meantime, I will see what it would take on our end to create a conan package. Thanks again!

@aosterthun I'm unsure how helpful this is, however:
I maintain a conan repo for HDF5, netcdf-c, and netcdf-c-cxx4 to support the development of a numerical model I write. They are forked from the bilke repo you linked above.

They are 100% tailored to my needs but might be of use.

In my opinion this should be something merged into bincrafters, which is a more centralized and standardized conan repo.