Unidata / netcdf-c

Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C libraries and utilities.

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zstd is an optional deps that cannot be turned on or off

mwestphal opened this issue · comments

When using CMake to configure netcdf, zstd will be used and linked against if it is found, however there is no way to control this behavior from CMake options.

It would be better to provide a CMake option to control this behavior.

See PR #2712.
Does that solve this issue?

Looks like it will; looking forward to 4.9.3 :) .

@DennisHeimbigner speaking of, is there a schedule for 4.9.3? It's been almost a year since 4.9.2.

We are working on incorporating the work in #2847 and then will mint the 4.9.3 release, followed with the next Fortran and C++ releases. The schedule is ASAP!