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How to quiet verbose "NOTE:" and "WARN:" messages in latest main branch

czender opened this issue · comments

Today's main branch configured/compiled/installed on MacOS with

CC='clang' CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/lib -laws-cpp-sdk-s3" ./configure --prefix=/opt/netcdf --enable-shared --enable-cdf5 --enable-dap --enable-logging --enable-netcdf4 --enable-nczarr --enable-s3 --enable-v2 --with-plugin-dir=${HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH}

produces some unexpected text output (the "NOTE" and "WARN" lines):

zender@spectral:~$ ncgen -b -o ${HOME}/nco/data/in.nc ${HOME}/nco/data/in.cdl
NOTE: Found rc file=/Users/zender/.ncrc
NOTE: Found rc file=/Users/zender/.ncrc
WARN: Could not open file: /Users/zender/.aws/credentials
WARN: AWS config file not loaded

How can I quiet this output? Or is this some overly verbose code that should be quieted in the netCDF library? This unexpected lines are also now printed by my netCDF clients (NCO).

@czender This is some debug output that leaked into the main branch, we'll get it removed :).

Well, I thought that's what this was. It looked like output I was seeing unbidden in #2759. I'm not immediately seeing this when I try to recreate it, however. Do you have NCENVLOGGING and/or NCENVTRACING values set, by any chance?

No, those variables are not set in my environment.

@czender That would have been too clear-cut an answer. Does the same thing happen if you compile without --enable-logging? That will at least narrow down if this is debugging output, or something being generated by the logging subsystem. It appears to be the latter, but since you haven't specified a log level or even enabled logging output, it's puzzling that it would print it out.

Unfortunately, compiling netCDF without --enable-logging did not make any difference. Behavior remains unchanged.

That at least narrows it down, thanks!

This should be fixed by this PR #2767

Aaah. Thanks, Dennis. Please merge ASAP :)

Merged now.