Unidata / gempak

Analysis and product generation for meteorological data.

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dcgrib2 fails on ECMWF’s WMO Essential grib2

akrherz opened this issue · comments

As reported on gembud, dcgrib2/nagrib fails to decoded updated ECMWF grib2 data

$ dcgrib2 -d temp.log -v 100 test.grd < test.grb2  
[27248] 230628/1520[DCINIT 3] Version
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 2]  read 102399/102399 bytes strt 0 newstrt 102399
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 2]  read 1/1 bytes strt 102399 newstrt 102400
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 2]  read 83204/102397 bytes strt 0 newstrt 83204
[27248] 230628/1520[CED_GNUM -1] No GID KXKY [900 451] LL [90.000000 
180.000000] UR [-90.000000 179.600006]
[27248] 230628/1520[CED_GNUM -1] No GID KXKY [900 451] LL [90.000000 
180.000000] UR [-90.000000 179.600006]
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 2]  read 0/19196 bytes strt 83204 newstrt 83204
[27248] 230628/1520[DCGRIB -9] End of Data
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 5]  Normal termination.
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 2]  Number of bulletins read and processed: 1
[27248] 230628/1520[DC 6]  Shutting down.
  • A gradsusr post detailing what is happening.

The work around is to get a version of wgrib2 that was built with AEC support. The default build doesn't include AEC support because it requires a recent version of CMake to build. Once you get a version of wgrib2 with AEC support,you convert the file from AEC compression to something that GrADS supports.

$ wgrib2 IN.grb -set_grib_type c3 -grib_out OUT.grb