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New lightning data coming, can GEMPAK handle this?

sebenste opened this issue · comments

Per this SCN, it might...but, how?

Service Change Notice 22-112
National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD
530 PM EST Tue Nov 22 2022

To: Subscribers:
-NOAA Weather Wire Service
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees

From: Ajay Mehta
Director, NWS Office of Observations

Subject: Activation of GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper Gridded
Products on the Satellite Broadcast Network on or after
March 6,

On or after March 6, 2023, gridded data products from the GOES-East
GOES-West Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instruments will
available on the NWS Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN), channels GRE
respectively (Ports 1209, 1210 / PIDs 107, 108).

For each 2x2km cell in the GOES-East or GOES-West fixed-grid
system, these data products estimate the following three parameters

Field Name Units / Semantics

Flash Extent Density (FED) Flashes per minute
Minimum Flash Area (MFA) Square kilometer (km2)
Total Optical Energy (TOE) femtoJoules (fJ = 1e-15 Joules)

The gridded GLM products will be available for the GOES-East and
Full Disk areas -- tiled into rectangles numbered 000-061 and labeled
through PCJ, as depicted below:

[000 001 002 003](tel:000 001 002 003) PAA PAB PAC PAD
[004 005 006 007 008](tel:004 005 006 007 008) 009 PAE PAF PAG PAH PAI PAJ
[010 011 012 013 014](tel:010 011 012 013 014) 015 PAK PAL PAM PAN PAO PAP
[016 017 018 019 020](tel:016 017 018 019 020) 021 PAQ PAR PAS PAT PAU PAV
[022 023 024 025 026](tel:022 023 024 025 026) 027 PAW PAX PAY PAZ PBA PBB
[028 029 030 031 032](tel:028 029 030 031 032) 033 PBC PBD PBE PBF PBG PBH
[034 035 036 037 038](tel:034 035 036 037 038) 039 PBI PBJ PBK PBL PBM PBN
[040 041 042 043 044](tel:040 041 042 043 044) 045 PBO PBP PBQ PBR PBS PBT
[046 047 048 049 050](tel:046 047 048 049 050) 051 PBU PBV PBW PBX PBY PBZ
[052 053 054 055 056](tel:052 053 054 055 056) 057 PCA PCB PCC PCD PCE PCF
[058 059 060 061](tel:058 059 060 061) PCG PCH PCI PCJ

These lightning products follow a "punctured" tiling scheme: in each
minute, only tiles with at least one lightning flash detected (i.e.
with content) are produced. Thus in each minute, many fewer than 62
are produced.

Each tile’s rows and columns are defined in geostationary sensor
coordinates (i.e., view angles); each file includes the projection
needed to transform these sensor coordinates into longitude and
positions on the earth.

Further details on these gridded GLM products are available from the
University of Maryland (https://lightning.umd.edu/glm/) and the NOAA
Virtual Lab (https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/towr-s/glm).

The gridded GLM products will have the following WMO headers, SBN
channels, cadence, daily file counts, and data volumes:

Satellite WMO header SBN ChannelCadence Files/day* GB/day*
—---------—--------- —---------- —------ —---------
GOES-East TIRS00 KNES GRE 1 min. 24,200 1.99
GOES-West TIRT00 KNES GRW 1 min. 10,600 0.87

(* These numbers are approximate and will vary with weather
due to data compression and the "punctured" tiling scheme detailed

To ingest and display the gridded GLM data products, SBN receiving
will need to configure their systems for the gridded GLM NetCDF

Some SBN receiving sites may also need to accept one or both of the
WMO headers above in their incoming SBN data feed.

(Most NWS AWIPS sites already accept the above headers via their LDM
pqact.conf file.)

Critical weather or other factors may affect the timing of this
change on
the SBN.

For questions pertaining to these changes, please contact:

NOAA/NWS Office of Observations
Silver Spring, MD
Email: NWS-OBS-Satellites@noaa.gov
AWIPS Network Control Facility (NCF) Help Desk
NOAA/NWS Office of Central Processing
Silver Spring, MD
Phone: 888-808-8624

For questions regarding the content or distribution of the products
here please contact:

Stephen Superczynski
GOES-R User Services Coordinator
Greenbelt, Maryland
Email: stephen.superczynski@noaa.gov

National Service Change Notices are online at:
