Unidata / MetPy

MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.

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Interactive skewT plot

hookecho91 opened this issue · comments

What should we add?

I use metpy to plot skewTs as part of my daily forecasting workflow. One feature I would love to see would be manipulating the low level temp/dewpoint profile. I came across this interactive java web applet which allows limited interactivity, but still potentially very useful. I realize the metpy skewT interface is built upon matplotlib, but perhaps it may be possible to incorporate an interactive jupyter notebook slider(s) widget to dynamically update the surface parameters (or even use plotly/dash?)

Basically, the goal of this feature addition would be to allow forecaster input/override observed/NWP output, or just to simply play around with the boundary layer and see what happens.

Cheers y'all


No response

I'd be interested in adding examples somewhere, either here or on the forthcoming MetPy cookbook on Project Pythia, that demonstrates how to wire up our SkewT class as an interactive matplotlib plot.

As far as actually shipping that out of the box, that seems to go beyond MetPy's scope as a library and veers into application territory. I also would then wonder why users wanting that aren't just using SHARPpy.

I would look into plotly if you want to roll your own.

I would look into plotly if you want to roll your own.

Though I have no idea what support they have for a skew-ed transform.